Many things pass here I cannot well con- fide to paper, & shall therefore await your return which I earnestly pray may be as early as possible - Yours truly and respectfully, De Forest Field P. S. I think it my duty to advise you that a copy of the letter which the Agent of the Canal Company adresses to you has been sent to the United States via San Juan del Norte with comments, and I have .scarscely any doubts it will be presented to the State department - D.F.F. {Endorsed] Letter from De Forrest Feild 2d. of March 1859 No. 2739 1859 Mar. 12, [P. ZELEDON] MANAGUA, [NICARAGUA] TO [M. B. LAMAR, MANAGUA, NICARAGUA]6 2 No. 5/. Translation National Palace • Managua· 12 March 1859 - Most excellent Sir/ - I feel much regret at the separation which Y. B. Announced to me in your note of yesterday, from this Republic, re- nouncing Your mission and removing to Costa Rica under the im- pression that it is impossible to celebrate with this Republic a Treaty of reciprocal confidence, friendship and liberality, and that at the present time Nicaragua is not in good dispositions to establish amicable relations with the United States - Far from subscribing to the views of Y. E., I beleive that the terms proposed to Y. E. for the conclusion of the Treaty are very reasonable, because they are very necessary for the security of Nicaragua - who has never abandoned her representa- tions, but which Y. E'. has beleived unacceptable - the separation of Y E. is much more sensible to me because Y E residence in this country has produced great good; your arrival was at a very precarious moment to conduct political negociations - moments in which the Nation found itself very much agitated from news received from time to time that the country would be invaded by your co-nationals - Notwithstanding these obstacles Y E has maintained amicable rela- tions with the Govmt. and with the people, weakeing [sic] those pre- -Occupations, explaining the just intentions _of your Govmt, and smooth- ing as much as possible the road to a perfect harmony between the two Republics ; - for all this Y E has gained the confidence and affection -0f the Nation - so that I can assure Y. E that at your departure you carry with you the sincere desire of all, for your happiness and well- being- [Endorsed] . Translation of a letter Petro Zeledon to Genl Lamar - 0 'A. Df. I have the honor to be &c &c.
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