unfortunate that this affair has dragged past the adjournment of Con- gress for it has created a popular sentiment against both England and Nicaragua which may provoke the next Congress to a modification of the neutrality laws, and that would lead to endless complications if not bloodshed I think you made a great mistake in not retaining Debrin as your secretary and stationed him at Managua to watch events in the recess of the Constituent Assembly The enemies of the administration are clamoring for your recall and a direct appeal to force for the ad- justment of the transit reclamations but the President is inclined to a just and forbearing policy as far as we may judge from present ap- pearances General Jerez defends the honor and good faith of President Mar- tinez with great courage and pirsistency but I have not seen one person outside of the Cabinet who does not believe Sir, Govr Ouseley is estab- lishing a de facto protectorate over Nicaragua When the northern press made those vile attacks on you, General Jerez took your part like a true friend and gallant gentlemen and that frank and manly course has made us so ·well disposed towards him that we do not like the harsh views which the public seems anxious to see adopted with regard to Nicaragua It is singular that a government which owes every hour of its safety to Mr. Buchanan's interposition against filibuster invasions-- and that too at the cost of many friends in and out of Congresa - should return this friendship by such trifling with the treaty. It ia a serious miataks With our best wishes General for your health and happiness believe both and each of us always
Your Sincere Friend J. M. Cazneau
March 2d 1859
No. 273~ 1859 Mar. B, De _F. FIELD MANAGUA, [NICARAGUA] TO M. B. LAMAR, [LEON, NICARAGUA] 00 Managua, Wednesday, 2d. March 1859 - General Mirabeau B Lamar Leon --- Sir. I enclose a letter addressed to you by the Agt of The American Atlantic & Pacific Ship Canal Com- pany; - also copy of the d~ree of Free Transit 61 - The decree has passed the House of Depu-• ties and will be up tomorrow in the Senate, & by present appearances it will pass there : ·After carefully perusing this decree I find it so dangerous to Ameritan Interests, that I have thought fit to send you a Courier with the same. By its perusal you will best judge, if it merits the impol'tance I gave it - at al hazards, the official letter of the Agent of The American Atlantic & Pacific Ship Canal Company seemed to me of pressing urgency, and that it should reach you at once.
'°A. L. S. 11 Theae papere are no longer with the Lamar Papers.
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