A Unit.ed naturalized Citizen J. J. Lecompte, was taken sick in Granada, with the .yellowfever -, he was rooming at the time with W. R C, .-:- they messed together had one purse - Le- compt.e died in 48 hours -, was removed from the room - some 14 days afterwards recovered & on returning to his room for his apparel & . money was informed Mr Wheeler had taken possession of his things and money also of Lecompte - Lecompt.e prior to his death made & "Will" appointing his Testator - the amount of money was about $2000 - Wheeler objected to part with any- thing excepting a Coat & 2 pairs of p11,nts, & a few other little it.ems - saying he would. forward the money &c to the Stare Dept. Washington where Webster could claim it - on applying at the Stare Dept. was informed that Mr. Wheeler had writt.en sending no effects morily [sic] not seeing the death of Lecompt.e - says Mr. Wheeler defrauded Lecomptea estat.e & himself out of $1!000 [Endorsed] · Stat.ement of W - Vanderbilt's Agent in relation to some affairs with Wheeler, Ainer ican Minister in Nicaragua No. 2721 [1858f, MIRABEAU BUONAPARTE LAMAR, SAN JOS:8? COSTA RICA?] TO JOSEFA ANA MENDOZA, (SAN JQS:8? COSTA RICA?] Sending an original poem ["The of Mendoza"?] A. L. 2 p. Spanish ; signed : "Amigo." No. 2722 [1858f, MIRABEAU BUONAPARTE LAMAR, SAN JOS:8? COSTA RICA] TO [JUAN RAFAEL MORA, SAN JOS:8? COSTA RICA] On Central American destiny, policy, and international, especially American, relations; the Monroe doctrine. A. Df. 29 p. Spanish. No. 2723 [1858f, M. B. LAMAR, MANAGUA? NICARAGUA] TO [T. MAR- TINEZ? MANAGUA? NICARAGUA ?)BG The non-reception of my despatches from my Government until after the departure of the Columbus has caused me to delay until her next trip my int.ended visit to Costa Rica. This affords me an opportunity of addressing Your Excellency upon a sub-:- . .
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