little to say, Even to General Bonila who is at the head of this de- partment, he has nothing to say, l\ly dear General there is no mo[re] news for I should be happy to forward the 8ame to you. I transmit two letters 10 to You that I recew<l from Mr John J Dickson on the 7th. inst, with you;· package, for the same I paid the courier tenn dolls 10.00 hopeing that the same may arve [arrive?) safe to you in Costa Rica, you can remit the amount by l\Ir MIis when he returns, if there is any thing new in costa Rica, please send me a line, for I shall most assuradely inform you of any thing that may be going on in Nicaragua, l\Iy Dear General I haYe the honor to be Your AttentiYe ·Servent &c - J. Priest To Honorable Maribeau B. Lamar I would inform you my dear General that l\Ir l\lills is a man, that may be of some sevice to you, in Costa Rica he speaks the language fluently, and would be an excelent secretary in case you required one he is also aquanted with the many impositions that they attempt to practice upon us he is up to all their tricks I am Very Respectfully Yours J. Priest [rubric] I would also state that Mr Millis carries your package. I enquired of several couriers what they would take the same for, and none would go for less than thirty fhe dolls $35.00 therefor My dear General it devolves upon you to remunerate him for the same, for Mr. 1Iills has· no more money at this present time than he knows what to do with, I am Yours J. Priest [rubric] No. 2676 1858 Sept. 18, M. B. LAMAR, SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA TO A. T'KINT DE ROODENBECK, [SAN JOSE? COSTA RICA ?] 17 San Jose, Costa Rica 18 September 1858. Mr Kint My dear Sir, You were present at an interview I had with Minister Cortez, at the time he recd. intelligence from the United States - as it was said, from l\Ir Irizarri - that a fillibustering expidition was organized in )fobile against Xicaragua. Will you do me the favor
1 "Tbese letters are not now with the Lamar Papers. "A. Df. S.
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