Direct your reply to Bluffton Beaufort Dist. So C -
via Savanah Geo
Believe me My Dear Gen! with esteem very respectfully & faithfully your
Gen! M B
friend & obsevt
J. Hamilton [rubric]
P. S. Do you think the people of Texas will ratify the SeYen Million Act. The creditors say with the pledged support of Houston & Rusk it is certain [Endor:,1ed] Letter from Gen Hamilton May 29th. 1855 No. 2492 1855 June 10, [M. B. LAMAR, GALVESTON? TEXASl INFOR MATION DERIVED FRO:vr ,T. CAMPBELL CONCERNING HIS NAVAL SERVICE, HIS PRIVATEERING CAREER WITH RAPP AND WITH LAFITTE, LAFITTE'S LAST DAYS, LONG. 83 Information derived James Campbe}l Born in Ireland, Derry Co. came to the United States at 4 years of age - Raised in Baltimore until 21 years old. - was of age in 1812.- shipped himself in the servise as sailor in the war of 1812-in Com. Perry's squadron & was transferred to the Constitu tion afterwards.-& Constellation in Boston 18 months in the Con stitution - balance of his time in the Constellation - Was in the Constitution when she captured the Guerrero - sunk the Guerrero - Returned to Boston - refitted the Constitution - then joined the Constellation - 3 weeks after made Cruise oi' three months; but found nothing- that was willing- to fight - After this cruise the vessel lay in port until Campbells' term of servise expired - he was then hon orably discharged - He then shipped with Capt. Rapp, in the Rot spur - Rap was on furlough and, obtained a privateer's Commission in the Mexican service - Comodore Patterson was Commodore - Rapp was Capt. of a US ves sel - in New Orleans - Campbell shipped with him in the US - servise - Rapp applied for a furlough - Patterson granted it - Rapp then, obtained a private's Commission in the Columbian servise and took command of the Hotspur - The Hotspur was a Columbian vessel. - This was in N. Orleans - Sailed from the Levee in the Hotspur -passed the Bilese 28 now residing on the Gah·eston Bav 10th June 1855 -·----
83 A. Df.
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