one to go out, I asked him why he made me a prisoner in my own house he having no charge against me, he then gave me an insolent answer. I answered him back in the same maner he then slaped me in the face and tore my right sleave of my shirt, while he had hold of my shirt, I was compelled to defend myself, my wife with an infant in her arms five weeks old interpouse to get me away, he ordered his forces to charge Bayonets on her. Mr. Shaw seing the danger she was in took her away, and placed her in safety, I being fully satisfied that their intention was to commit outrage in my house. I left the roon and went up stairs for my pistol, finding miself a prisoner in my own house I sent Mr. J. Dubois to the american Consul asking to come as soon as possible to my assistance, he immediately came, I asked him to have the soldiers removed from my house which he could not accomplish unless myself and Mr. Thurlow were given up to the guard as criminals the Consul offered to go our security_until the following day, Monday, which I did not accept, I did not oppose them takin me but was willing to go with them as a prisoner charged with a criminal offence, I refused to accept the offer of any of my friends going my security, they then took me to prison where I remained twenty four hours, the case was made known to Capt Kelly and after he had been satisfied after enquiring into the circumstances that we were held unjustly in confinement he Capt. Kelly on the following morning asked the Govr. to do him the favour to re- lease us from confinement until the return of the Commandant and Gov- ernor of the port returned which he refused we then remained prisoners until Cap. Kelly took measures to release us. Wherefore the said Green - hath protested as by these pres- sents I, the said Consul, at his special instances and request, do publicly and solemnly protest against all and every person and persons whom it doth or may concern, and do declare that the Government of Nicaragua will be held responsible for the outrages perpetrated upon M. Green. This done and protested in the port of San Juan del Sur this 10th. day of August 1858 in the year of our Lord - In testimony whereof these appeareng have hereunto sub- scribed their names• and I, the said Consul have granted to Michael Green this public instrument under my hand and the seal of this Con- sulate to serve and avail him and all others whom it doth or ma;y con- cern, as need and occassion may require -
J. Priest
U. S. Consul -
Shepherd Shaw. William Eaton V. R. Bristol
l\f Green.
Consulate U. S. A. Port of San_ Juan del Sur August 10th. 1858. On this 10th. day of August in the year of our Lord· 1858. before me John Priest Consul of the U. S. of A- for San Juan del Sur and the dependencies thereof personally came and appeared Michael Green a citisen of the United States and resident in the port of San
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