my regret at the violent character of the President's Proclamation of the 9th of April 1858, which I characterized as equivolent to a declaration of War again~t my country, and said that I thought it would produce a bad effect in the United States. - This is about all that I have ever said upon these points. - With regard to the assertion contained in the above extract, I can only say that it has as little foundation in truth as any statement ever uttered by the tongue of man. No. 2649 [1858 July 26?, M. B.- LAMAR, LEON, NICARAGUA] TO P. RIVAS, [LEON, NICARAGUA] 100 NO- To the Honorable Patricio Rivas Ex President of Nicaragua Sir/ Document purporting to have been executed by yourself, President Martinas and President Mora has made its appearance in the public prints, from which I take the following extract. [Blank left by Lamar to insert quotation from Herald] As the assertions contained in the above extract_ are utterly destitute of any foundation in truth, I feel constrained to enquire of you, upon what authority you acted in making so grave an attack upon an individual with whom you had no personal acquaintance. I cannot attribute it to malice; because we are strangers to each other, without any cause whatever of controversy between us; nor can I ascribe it to any deliberate intention on your part to become the endorser of other men's calumnies. Your anticidents would forbid this. It is far more likely that you have fallen into error through the misrepresentations of others who would gladly avail themselves of your fair reputation to support them in their evil designs; and upon this supposition, I would respectfully enquire what grounds you had for signing the accusation against me of my having boasted &c • No. 2650 1858 July 26, [GREGORIO] JUAREZ, LEON, [NICARAGUA] TO MIRABEAU B[UONAPARTE] LAMAR, [LEON, NIC- ARAGUA] Explanation of the manifesto of [May 1]; the delicate situation of Central America; ex-President Rivas's non-participation in the mani- festo. N. S. 2 p. Spanish.
"..A. Df.
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