offers made them and had become settlers - How was this to be pre- vented? Messrs Chatfield & ].\,fanning-with a practical knowledge of the country were not long in devising a preventative. They knew that there was a pa11ty in the country opposed to Republican institutions and hostile to Americans This party held, but with a feeble grasp, - for as I have before stated it was British policy to prevent any party or government horn becoming strong and firmly seated in power - the governments of Costa Rica & Gnatamala. This party must be en- couraged counselled, supported, strengthened & extended over the in- termediate States. This accomplished few Americans would ever set- tle in the country & British interests safe The party in Costa Rica in want of funds to establish itself firmly, was supplied by British capitalists -At the head of the party in Guata- mala was ( & is) Rafail Carrera, an ignorant Lambo swine-herd, who had been taken up by the Church, as their champion against Morizan. After the death of the great Liberal chief and when Carrera had ob- tained the supreme power he, through British influance, withheld from the Church some of the privilages for which it had contended with Jionzan & which he had deprived it of. Consequently Carrera was just what British agents intended he should be, weak & impotent. Now that this party was to ·become the barricade against yankee adventur- . ers a change of policy became necessary. Accordingly he was coun- celled to restore all the original rights & privileges of the Church. The Jesuits were recalled from banishment and restored to all their ancient rights '& privilages. Other European powers seem to have been invited to aid in erecting a barrier against the yankees. Cer- tain it is that they have cheerfully aided in the work Spain estab- ished a full Mission in C. A. and her ~Iinister Sr. Coiii visited, in rapid succession Guatamala, San Salvador & Costa Rica some three times each. Descanted largely, discoursed eloquently upon the "preser- vation of the "raslaitina" - a word I believe till that time never heard here - upon the "excellency of the institutions, laws, language, cus- toms and religion of .that "noble race" Contrasted it with "the rapa- cious, evergrasping irreligious barbarians of the North" Told the peo- ple that the "rapacious Northern Eagle was calmly hovering over them gladly watching their civil strife, and awaiting a favorable opportunity to prounce [sic] upon them and fasten them in his greedy tablons" Exhorted them "to remember the nobleness of their orogin & never consent tha,t their time honored customs and above all their Holy Re- ligion should be insulted & contaminated by the barbarism an heresy of the North &c" The governments of Costa Rica & Guatamala under- went rapid "reforma," as they were stiled, until the hog-mindes be- came "Captain General of Guatamala, "Knight of the Grand Cross of Gaudeloupe," "Knight of the Grand Cross of the Military Order of Pope Gregory The Great," "Knight of Leopold of Belgeuns," "Presi- dent "Vitalico" (for life) of the Republic of Guatamala &c," with the power to name his successor, create titles of distinction" &c &c. Mora had assumed the title of Captain General & doubtless so soon as the governments of the intermediate states be secured in the hands of the "Servils" he will assume the other titles & powers of Carrera - The first part of the scheme before adverted to has there been entirely successful. All the Central American gowrnments are in the hands
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