No. 2598 [1858 Mar. 7, B. CLOVER, AND M. J. GLENTON, MANAGUA, NICARAGUA] MEMORIAL TO THE PRESIDENT AND SUPREME GOVEHXMENT 01 To the President and Supreme Government of Nicaragua The Undersigned, Bertrand Clover, resident of the City of New York, and Mateo J Glenton resident of the City of Leon de Nica- ragua, - the duly appointed Representatives of Mr Thomas Manning, and the late Mr Jonas W Glenton, - and acting as such, - hereby make known to you, that they have been informed, and have every reason to believe, that a new Transit Grant is about to be given, to a party here representing the interests of certain parties in the City of New York and the said ~fanning & Glenton having, - by Decrees, already passed by your Government, and which are still in force, - a mortgage not only on all monies which have come or may be coming to your Government from any Transit, which has existed or shall exist,- hut also on any and all incomes of the state of Nicaragua, and as the said Bertrand Clover and .l\Iateo J Glenton, have not been informed, and are not aware of the precise nature of the terms upon which said grant is to be given; - therefore in virtue of the rights and powers vested in them, they hereby claim, and require from your Government all neces- sary information, regarding the terms upon which said contract is to be given, especially as regards the monies which are to be paid to the Nicaraguan Govt by the parties accepting the said contract & which must be mortgaged to Manning & Glenton;- and furthermore we hereby formally and most solemnly protest, against any action on the part of your Government, whereby the interests of Manning & Glenton may be in the slightest degree affected or prejudiced ; - claiming also as a just right that no Transit shall be given, until we are consulted and approve of the terms of payment to the Nicaraguan Govt. ....:... which must be as fully equal as those of the first Contract - and in a like manner mortgaged to Manning & Glenton and we hereby most formally notify you, that we shall hold you and your Government responsible for any damages resulting from acts which may emanate from your Govt conflicting or prejudicial to the interests of Manning & Glenton, and for our immediate reddress shall apply to both the Governments of Gt. Britain and the U States No. 2599 1858 Mar. 7, [JOSE] DEBRIN, MANAGUA, [NICARAGUA] TO MIRABEAU B[UONAPARTEl LAMAR, [GRANADA, NICARAGUA] Inquiry regarding Lamar's movements; news of the government offi- cials; personal ne"·s. A. L. S. 3 p.
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