P.\l'F.ns OF Jl11:.\111-:.\t: HcoxAP.\BTE Lx:1uu
1S5S .Mar. 7, B. CLOYEH, ,\:\D JI. ,J. GLEXTOX, JL\.X.-\.GL-\., l:'\lC.:\HAGCA] TO .:\I. H. L.\\L.\B, [:\L\XAGCA, XIC.\.- H. \ G lJ .\]"''
To His Ex<.:ellr1wy,
G\'llern I Lamar,
l ' nited States )linister to X icaragua
With referern:e to the \'iews expressed b_v us, in \\Titing" 0 to you ye:-terday, on the :-ubjeet of the c:laims of )Iessrs )lanni11g & Gle11to11, on the 2\icaraguan t;overn111c•11t. - ,re beg leaw re~pedl~illy, to make a few further remarks touehi11g the matter, and to submit for your t·o11:-iderntio11, the prote:-t herewith, ,rhich it may be nece"sary to ser\'e upon the Go\'emmcllt of ~icaragua There can be no pos,;ible doubt or argument raised a:- to the <.:orredness, and justice of th<>se claims; - the de- cre1•s and lu,r,; pa:,::-l'd· and coulirml'u by the _:'Ii iearaguan Go,·ernment fortunately settle that poiut most clearly.- as to the honor, morality, and integrity, of the same Government, that unfortunately, is another ques!i@11. - and if, by their perlhly, double deali11g, and selfishness they are di><posed to ad di,;honestly, towards those, who ha\'e assiste1l and bcfric•11ded them in their hour of Heed - it must surely and frar- fully rl'n,il upon them - · We nrc t-trangers in a Foreign Cou11try, seeking for justice only; and to yon, (.~eneral,-as the Accredited Hepresentative of our Com1- try, we look for, and confidently claim that protection, which is our due. - Nicaragua as you are well aware, has no revenue, and the only means by which these most just claims, can be liquidated, is by the payments coming to the Government from this same Nicaragua Transit. - By their own acts, you see yourself, they have signed a formal contract with Manning & Glenton, ceding and mortgaging to them, the monies to be paid from the Transit, and also any and all other incomes of the state;-why then, should they be allowed to trample under foot, such unquestionable and perfect rights, and to disregard and violate with impunity their own laws. - All of which is most respectfully submitted,- and we have the honor to remain Your Excellencys most obedient servant Bertrand Clover - ~[ J Glenton [Endorsed] To the Ref:ident & Supreme Govmt of Nicaragua
"'L. S. See also no. 259S. 00 Xo. 2596.
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