referring and calling attention to the authorized copies of the Legis- lative Law of 21st June 1852 2d To Translation (Xo. . ?) of decrees, which acknowl- edge as a deht agai11st the Hepublic of Xiearngua, of certain sums of money due :'.\[es;;rs Manning & Glenton, conformable to the agree- ment entered into by the Govern111ent on the "23 ,Tune 1852. - in con- 8cquenee of which the rents hypothecafrd in the said agreement remain plcclged for the paymeut of the 1-ame 3rd To translation (l\o :1) of certain deC'ree·,- passed b_v the Senate and Honse of Hepresentatin•;; of .\iearagua which provide chiefly, that the amonnts <lue shall hear interest at the rate of I½ per cent pr 111011th from the 1st ,J ul_v 1 S.jl, to the :-:ame date in 1855 and that the state consigns for this paynwi1t the 10 per cent which it has to rec·eirn from the nett procee<ls of the Transit Company an1l the ten thon,-and flollars which it also rcceiYe:-: annually, compro111ising this la~t from 185-l all(l onward, which the state shall not othenrise dis- pose of until these two persons debt shall ha\'e been liquidated. Article [j of these decrees we parlicul11rly wish to call your a/lenliun to. It says - "If on the 1st .July 18.35, thc;.:e debts should not be satis- fied they mu,;t be precisely settled, making use for this object the $200,U(IO of actions which the state holds in the canal enterprize 011 A~Y OTJIErt OF ITS I:\fCO)lES. Articles (Hh 7th and 8th we merely beg to refer you to, as they ex- plain themsehes The old Vanderbilt Transit grant haring been annulled, it must be clearly evident that no new grant should be giwn to A.KY per- son or persons, without first consul!iug with }fanning '& Glenton or their reprcsentati,·es and as we learn that a new grant is about to be gi\'cn we as the Hepresentati,·es of the aboYe named parties interested, most strongly objed and protest m1y s1wh adion on the part of the Govt. i11arnrnch, as the rents of lt11!J Transit Company to the :Nie Govt, nre wifhuut doubt mortgaged to said .llanning & Glenton Ha,·ing eYery reason to believe that it is the wish and i11!entio11 of the ~ic Govt to exclude the proper and just provision in the 11ew grant necessary for the liquidation of these claims, we are com- pelled to call your Excellency's most serious attention, to the subject as you will clearly perceive, that 110 grant should be given without first consulting with the Hepresentati,·es of :Hanning & Gaud [?J making liberal provision in the grant, (as in the old one) for the payment of the respective <lebts and interests --
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