P.\l'Ei::,; uF ~l 11uB1-:.u; lh:oxAP.\HTE L.nun
of troops to their respectie States, This is a brief and true statement of the eharacter of eYents as they actually transpirrcl and for a more minutary description I remit to your Excellency a docunwnt of that charackr. Kotwithstanding my non interrnntion in the turmoiles of the eou11try; my peaseful disposition; and many good sunases ren- dered. General rumors say I am threatened with expultion from the country for no cause that I am aware of them the one suggested in letter from General Jose Ma. Canas; to me from whieh an extract marked N"o.' 2 letter B. To the rnrious intimations heretofore giYen me, that I was to be dri,·en from the country, I haYe dernted but lit- tle attention, beliering that the Gowrmnent would not resort to such mea;,ures but haYing recently receiYecl dates from Managua 3d. Inst. from one of the Generals of the state to me. (That if the Tram-it" did not get established I had no Interest In remaining in the country) While taking into consideration the familiarity of this spcach, with the arrest of 1Ir. Curbalo and the exdusion of the americans from the late decree of amnesty caused me to feel some <legrce of uneasynef's with rcguard to the enjoyment of future protection as a nutral within the territory I ham taken the liberty to tax your attention with my complaints and to make the enquiry if you possc;:;s the authority to. protect the peasful citizens of our country against unlawful persicu- tions Please admit this my petition your consideration and I awate with much anxiety your resolution as a guide not only for my- self but for the subjects of our country now prrsrnt in this Republic With distinguished consideration yours most Sincerly. (Signed) C. C. Fitzgerald Copey. .Ko. 259G [1858 lllar. 6, B. CLOVER ~\ND M. J. GLE~TOK, MA~AGUA, NICARAGUA] TO [~I. B.] LAMAR, [:MANAGUA, NICA- HAGU.A)G8 To His Excellency, General Lamar Sir We beg leave as the Representatives of ~fr Thomas Man11i11g and the Estate of the late 1\fr Jonas \V Glenton, most respectfully to lay before your Excellency, the matter of the debt due by the Nicaraguan Government to the above named Gentlemen. - The case we refer to is not at all a complicated one, but on the contrary very simple arnl easily comprehended. - ,re hHYe only to refer you for a clear understan,ling of it, to translations of the Government legislative decrees, passed by the legislatiYe assembly, and apprO\·ed of a11d confirmed by the heads of the Go,·ernment First to translation (No 1) of F Ferrer's (minister of Foreign affair;;) lrtter to the 8ecretary of the Accessory Tran,;it Co
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