The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume IV, part 1



came in with the Woll invasion, and who is cooperating with our hero for the purposes of subverting the liberties of the Country; let them investigate the proofs, thrown out in prospective before them, and reflect on what may still be lying in the back ground? Our hero's crimes are of no imaginary, or ordinary character, willful and inten- tional prompted by the vilest passions, crimsoned with the blood of his countrymen; the stains of his sins, are deep, ingrane, died in the wool, and never can be washed out, or eradicated, except by amputation Did my fellow citizens understand these things as I do were they as well satisfied of their truth as I am I feel satisfied that they would not only excuse the warmth with which I have treated them; but would per- haps feel much more indignant than I do, or at least than I have expressed myself Our hero has now gone too far to stop, he dare not retrospect, he dare not tarry, he is compelled to succeed or perish Hence he will run up every indian, Mexican, and abolition rag, croud all sail, and run the barque into a Mexican port, and flatter l1is vanity by damning himself to dominant power, or fall a victim to his own empiricism and quackery and sink beneath the contempt of the world, and be delivered over to_ the bar of public justice, to expiate the crimes and injuries inflicted on a confiding and much injured country These things are all understood all treasured up against the day of wrath and retribution When the sword of justice is drawn and the scabbard thrown into the fire; then Texas will release herself from empiricism and quackery, from bribery and corruption, from spies and conspirators, in the camp, which is all she has to fear. Who so base as be a slave, - who so poor, so needy, so degraded as sell his birth- right for a mess of pottage? If an.11, let him turn and flee! Let Great Brittain and all other governments be informed in dignified and re- spectful language; that in as much as they have acknowledged our independence and considered us worthy of their consideration, that if they fon:~ treaties with us, that it will be as an independent Republic, and as freemen. 1'he lion is too magnanimous to crush the mouse, and the Eagle never stoops to small game; but acts as a guard to the small fry by keeping off the hawks and kites, and the Chivalry of France has never been known to sleep or lag when the weak was assailed by the powerful Let Texas then arouse from her lethargy, shake herself from her own impurities, of empiricism quackery and humbug, rid herself from her own internal enemies, poise herself on her own mag- nanimity; rely upon her own exertions, and I am satisfied she has nothing to fear She has a population, told by the head, which pos- sesses a degree of general intelligence and mediocrity of talent, not to be surpassed on the globe Her militia when called to the field on all proper occasions, has evinced a degree of chivalry, of bold intrepid daring, which has ever ('au1,ed her enimic!'l to cower, and suc-11 as has not been equaled in modern time, and seldom surpassed in the world. Instance the noble and intrepid daring of the unfortunate and much pu~secuted Mier band of recent date; who accepted the chalenge of the insolent inemy, crossed into his own territory, took him in his own fortified, position, with the advantages of artillery and ten to one in numbers and taught him a lesson which will not he forgotten as long as a drop of villanious Mexican blood runs in his veins. For this act of heroism and bravery, they have been pursued with a villanious, malignant and vindictive pursecution, even unto death; by an unprin-

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