, No. 2131 18~ Apr. 29, M. HUNT GALVESTON, [TEXAS] TO M. B. LAMAR, [GALVESTON, TEXA& J 69 Galveston 29th. April Dear Sir Your name has been given to me by Dr. John G Chalmers as that of the person upon whose authority he furnished certain statements to the writer of an article which appeared in the Austin City Gazette dated 28th. of July last, over the signature of "Aristides" The article alluded to contained several assertions un- founded in fact and reflecting on my character as a gentleman- I have to ask of vou whether or not You furnished the statements to Dr. Chalmers as alleged. Circumstances beyond my controul have prevented my making this demand at an earlier hour
Yr. obt Svt.
Memucan Hunt
Gen. Mirabeau B Lamar [Addressed]
No. I-
Gen. Mirabeau B Lamar-
Politeness of ) ) Mr. Rossignol ) ) & ) ) Kennedy )
No. 2132 184t Apr. 30, M. B. LAMAR GALVESTON, [TEXAS] .TO M. HUNT, [GALVESTON, TEXAS] 70
Galveston 30th April 1842.
Genl. M. Hunt.
Sir. In answer to your note of yesterday, 11 I have to
state, that I have never read the article signed, Aristides,; and am wholly ignorant of its contents; neither have I been able since the reception of your note, to procure a copy of said publication. You must, therefore, furnish me with a distinct and definite statement of your cause of complaint against me, before I can be able to respond to your enquiries. Your note represents me as having said something to Doctor Chalmers, derogatory to your character, but does not state what the offensive matter is; and leaves me without any means to con- jecture its nature. You will therefore, perceive the propriety of let-
•A. N. S. '°A. Df. S. "No. 2131.
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