since, all of which except the last, ought to have reach'd you before the date of yours- By the first, I informed _you that we had suc- ceeded in getting a law passed, to pay the residue of your Salary in Exchequer Bills; & also that I had obtained from Whiting a deed to yO'U for the lot in Houston- The deed was sent to Mr. Tankersley, & I have since got his acknowledgement of its reeeipt- I farther informed you that I knew nothing of the note:- which you requested me to send you, & that you did not tell me where they were to be found- In my subsequent letters, I recappitulate<l the same informa- tion- and in my last I informed you that I had taken up your notes which were due in February, having advanced $127.50 to make up the deficiency, without drawing a dollar from ~·our salary- Y,our salary yet remains untouch'd- Whether it would be paid upon your draft or not I cannot say, but think it probable that it would not be untill Col. Daingerfield, the Secy. of the Treasury (who is now absent) re- turns, as I understand that Stickney (who is acting Secy.) says he will pay nothing except what is contained in the general appropriation bill, & as yours was a special appropriation it will probably be refused by him- They refused to pay Bryan for the same reason- When Daiflgerfield returns, I have no doubt it will be paid, as he supported the appropriation very warmly, altho' most of the friends of the Execu- tive opposed it- Now, upon the subject of your wished for fight- I think the whole matter unworthy of notice-- The article n,cd. here, so far as I could learn, universal condemnation, & died, immediately after the burst of indignation subsided- Notwiths'tanding h_owever my opin- ion, that "to pursue such game is hardly worth the candle," I would nevertheless have obeyed your mandate, by calling upon the Gentle- man, & demanding if he were the Author of the offensiYe a.rticla Could he have ben fo1.md, but like the rest of the "Heads" he de- parted from the Seat of Govt. shortly after the adjournment of Con- gress, & I presume is new enjoying the otium cum digintate at Cohim- bia, or may be at Galveston, and if you still persist in carrying your beligerent notions into effect, you must seek him in that lower region-- I would have demanded the Authors name from the Editor, but after consulting with some of your friends, it was deemed best not to do so, as he might have assumed the responsibility himself which would have placed you in an awkward perdicament, [sic] as you could not have noticed him afterwards- We have nothing particularly new, except Indian annoyances, which are not new,· & a report that the Mexicans are coming down upon San Antonio-- A company starts over this evening to render such assistance as they may, should they come-- Very truly & sincerely Your friend, Jame.<: Webb
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