oldest daughter. They separated He was the first man who fell in our revolution. He fell at Conception in 1835. Col. Roussau, lived on the oppostie side of Bai;trop in 1832; was killed there by Edwd. Jenkins, in 1833; James Smith who lived with Russau at the time, married his widow, and is still living In 1832. Bastrop was laid off by Sarni. Williams, and Assenega [Arciniega] the land Commissioner. Lots were given by the CommiR- sion to every settler; each having a town lot to build on & a 12 acre farming lot. There were about this time a dozen families- The next settlement above Bastrop (and commenced the year pre- vious to the survey of Bastrop,) was in Willbarger prarie, made by Josi,ah Willberger, and his fatherinlaw Leman Barker. Then came John · Webber, in what is now known as Webber's prarie; then came Wells in the prarie above; & then Joseph Rogers who settled in Wellberger', prarie- Willgerger; Baker; Wehher are still living. Well:- iR dead, leavig two grown sons & some other childm; Rogers by the con- manches in Hornsby's prairie. Whilst this settlement wai, founded 1& progressing, another was comenced in the neighborhood of Austin, by Reuben Hornsby and Wm. Barton. Horni-hy went in the fal) of 18~3. Barton in 1837- Hornsby had no neighbors for one or two yel/fS; then came Jacob Burleson in 1834; he was killed by the indians ;;bis widdow was residing in the fort when Austin was founded, & bas s;nce married- i Joseph Duty (one of the Three hundred) settled in Hornsby's ntigh- borhood in 1834- Mrs. Scott is his sister, came there probablr' in 1837- Matthew Duty, an older brother, settled up there; & it was oli his head right the family settled. Single man; very brave, energefr, & enterprising man, of great value to the settlemt. He was killed hf the Indians in 1833 or 1834- 1 I
Hornsby; Jos. Duty ; Jacob Burleson; Isaac Casner, Dapt. Jacob Harrall, were the first settlers of that neighborhood. Nathaniel Moore, and Jas. Gilleland & Thos. Moor~ set- tled at the same time. These formed the settlemt for
===~ nearly 18 months- John McGehee, from Alabama in 1833, settled opposite B strop Jenkins praarie; was an excellent, brave & noble man; liberal wi h his means; & participated in all the dangers of the country; was the Battle of Conception; and died in 1836. His widow still living n the farm. His brother Thomas, equally worthy, settled the same y ar in the same neighborhood, & now resides in Rutersville. -Wiley Hill came to McGehees settlmt in 1835; was in the battle Sanjacento; returned to Alabama, married, & came to his residence at Mrs. McGeee's, who was his sister. Middleton & Thomas two other brothers came after the war & settled near Genl. Burleson- [Endorsed] Notes from Genl. Burleson respecting the first
Settlers on the upper Colorado
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