The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume IV, part 1



The regular Army was discharged in February 1841 during its existence Capt Howard had a favorable action on 25 November 1839 other encounters toock place bettwen them and the indians at different times in Sept 1840 Coll Coock commandig the regular army marchd from Austin to red river with 300 men trough the wilderness to red river to establish a military road wich transaction may be made known to you trough Coll Cook and in the remarks i only speack of Milam and robertson County After the disbandment of the regular army every county on the frontir established a Company undr a special law called compeny of minute men i commandd the Milam Company th~ featurs of the law you are aquantd with and my policy was to penetrade the indian Coun- try and to keep a few men continually in the territory occupyd by the indians by thos means harrassing them and compelelling them to retire for fear of having the camps discovered and beeng attached by larger numbers in wich i succeeded .in driving the indians byond the cross timbrs Capt Chandlr pursued the same policy and had severale skir- mushes very favorable to his cause in July Capt Chandler and myself made a coorporation proceedd with 102 men in to the Cross timber the indians fled befor us at the same time Gen! tarrant from red river drove the indians from the trinity one the all to [sic] refuge high up the brasos in som Cliffs of the mountains wich we where in search of but not beeng able to find it and-beeng destitute of Supplys and havig many seek we commenced retrogade movements on the 5d Augest on wich day we send a brush with some indians in wich we lost a man named A. S. Smith we reached the settlement without furthr impdiment continued to pursue our policy and had no dep- redations that year the companys ceased to act the preceedig year and it seemed apparently licke peace for some time till summer of 1842· when the indians findig that nobody was in search of them stole some horses from Nashvill in July or August in Sep- tembr 4 indians stole some horses from the settlment on little rivr wich had been formed by that time to where howese overtacken and all killed and the horss taken back the Commencment of the peace was shortly afterwards in 1843 in August 60 indians came in to the little rivr settlment friendly apart of whom stole 3 horses as the left the balance howevr promisd to macke

them return them Gen Lamar i made out the within notes in haste when you have and can tacke time

probably you may be able to macke out the Contents Washington Januav 30 1844. GB Erath [Endorsedl Notes · of Indian difficulties in Milam & Robenson communicated by Geo. B. Ereath

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