The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume IV, part 1

Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar

No. 2126 1842 Feb. 23, M. B. LAMAR GALVESTON, [TEXAS j TO ,T. WEBB, AUSTIN, [TEXAS] 01 Galveston 23rd February J8,t2. Honble. James Webb Dear Sir, My attention has just been direr:ted to a communication in the "Weekly Texian" of the 26th Ultimo, signed with the letter A, in which the writer, after much personal abuse, proposes that I should be delivered up to the vengeance of Mexico for the redemption of the unfortunate Sante Fe prisoners; and that I shoqld be detained in this country until the proposition could be made and responded to by that nation. Sir, if I know my own heart, it is true when I say, that I have never seen the hour since my arri_val, in Texas, that I have not been willing to sacrifise my life to the glory and happiness of the people. It was for this, that I came to the country. But when the author of the communication alluded to, rec- ommends that I should not be permitted to leave the Republic, I can assure him that no forcible detention is necessary_. for there is no power in the nation that can drive me from it, until I make him atone to me for the outrage which he has offered, if he be a man of sufficient character to justify my resentment. I am informed QY a gentleman recently from the city of Austin that the atrocious article was penned by one of the memberi;: of the Executive Cabinet, the Honorable Amon Jones, Secretary of State. If this be true, it be- comes doubly important,that the audaciouR offender sh!)uld not be per- mitted to go unpunished. Eminating as it does from one the highest of our public functionaries, and wearing the aspect of, a Government measure, the people ber:omes as deeply interested in the matter as my- self. But however successful the author may be in eluding the resent- ment of the public, I cannot allow him to escape from his responsibility• to me. Every honorable mind that has perused the offensive publica- tion, must feel that the malignant spirit that pervades the peice; its falsehood and abuse; ns well as the diabolical and flagicious character of the proposition which it contains, will not allow me to pass it by in silence; and I have a full assurance in the chivalry of our people and their keen sensibility to, insult, that I shall be abundantly suR- tained by them, in seeking that redress which it is not only my right but my imperious duty to demand. I must therefore request the favor of you to call upon Mr. Anson Jones and ask him in my name whether he is or is not the author of the communication signe!l A, which ap- peared in the "Weekly Texian" of the 26th. Ult. Accept of no equiv- ocation or explination. I only want to know the simple fac~ whether he had any agency or connedion whatever, even in the slightest de-

nA. Df. See also nos. 2127 and 2158.

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