The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume IV, part 1

PAPERS ()I<' MIRABEAU BUONAPARTE LAMAR 25 suming hostilities, shall give six months previous notice of such in- tention to the government of the other party. 8th. The notice required by the precedin~ article, shall be respec- tively published through the agents of the government of Great Britain resid~t at the capital of either of the contracting parties, or by any other method more agreeable to the Supreme Government of Mexico. 9th. If at-any time during the existence of the beforementioned armistice, there should be any .Mexic,an citizen or citizens of Bexar, Labahia, (Golincl,) or other points where they may have interests, and for which they desire to approve this opportunity to attend to them: In like manner those citizens of TexM whose interests are in Mata- moros and towns of the northern frontier, or in any other part of Tamaulipas, shall hnve a corresponding passport; each party, on their arrival, shall pref,lent themselves to the respective civil and military nuthorities in order thnt the <'orre1:,ponding chiefs of either party may have the proper information thE>reof. Department of War and l\farine. The fore.going is a correct copy of the propositions :first submitted to the Commis1:,ioners on the part of Mexico, by those of the Repub- lic of Texas. for the proposed Armisti,ce, as furnished to the Depart- ment by said Commissioners. (Signed) M. C. HAMILTON, tcting Sec'ry War. Washington, 2d May. 1844. No. 2157 E. W. MOORE, GALVESTON, TEXAS] 0 18.l;.3 [Nor. 12], E. W. MOORE'S STATEMENT OF TEXAS'S NAVAL FORCE 1843 TF.XAS NAVY ScHoONFJt LIBERTY. mounted 4 guns- 1st. Comdr. Brown suc- cessor Wheelwright- detained in New Orleans July 1836. SCHOONER INDEPENDENC'F. mounted 6, six pounders and one brn::is medium nine pounder oD" a Pivot (captured at the battle of San Ja- cinto)- 1st Comdr. Hawkins, successor Wheelwright- captured Apl 17h. 1837 by two Brigs after an obstinate ref'istance. · SCHOONER INVINCIBLE mounted fi midium 1:,ix pounders and a long twelve pdr. on a Pivot- 1st Comdr. Brown, successor Thompson- lost on Galveston Bar sept 1837. · SCHOONER BRUTUS mounted 2 medium nines, 8 long sixes and a long twelve on a pivot- 1st Comdr. Hurd, sucessor Boylan-driven on shore Galveston Bay in the gale of Octr. 1837, a.nd bilged. BRIG POTOMAC purchase<l in 1838-never fittf ed out?] ran ashore in Feby 1841 in Galveston harbour to prevent sinking. STEAMFR ZAVALA purchased and arrived at GalveRton March 1839- rionnted 8 medium eighteen pounders- 1st Comdr. Hinton, sucessors

•A. D.S.

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