The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume IV, part 1



No. 2462 [1850 Aug. f, M. B. LAMAR, MOBILE, ALABAMA] TO THE EDITOR OF THE ltlOBILE REGIB1'ER, [MOBILE, ALABAMA] 64 To the Editors of the Mobile Register Gentlemen Will you be pleased to insert the accompanying lette:r in the columns of your paper? It was prepared in reply to an. invita- tion to attend a Mass Meeting at Macon, Georgia, of the opponents of Mr. Clay's Compromise Bill, and the friends of the Missouri Compro- mise; but not having been finished in time for that occasion, I desire its publication for the purpose of laying my views before many of my friends, who have desired an expression of the same. In this letter, I have not entered particularly into a description of the practical features of the measures in question, but have confined myself to an examination of the general principles in- volved; but there is one subject upon which it is perhaps proper thllt I should here add a few words.. I refer to the controversy as to the boundaries of Texas. It fell to my lot while President of that Repub- lic to become intimately connected with her claim to the Santa Fe Country. The, right of Texas to all the terrritory west to the Rio Grande was considered as indisputable, as her right to any other por- tion of her possessions. This had been asserted from the first - and she held it by the same tenure, - the strong arm and the sword. During my Administration I despatched an army to Santa Fe to en- force our jurisdiction, and but for orations and treachery, it would have been completely established. From that time up to her annexation Texas always claimed this country as her rightful domain; her consti- tution embraced it within her boundaries; she was received into the Confederacy with these limits, and the War with Mexico was made to assert and enforce her· jurisdiction. Now it is preposterous and dis- graceful to deny her title. The proposition made by Congress to pay her ten millions of dollars for the country, is coupled with the al- ternative, that she will be forced by Federal bayonets-to submit if she refuses. What course it is proper for her to take, I cannot now pause to argue; but must add that I am most decidedly opposed to her accept- .ing this compensation for plundered rights and abandoned honor. Your insertion of this note, and the accompanying letter will greatly oblige · · Your Obt No. 2463 1850 Aug. 16, [M. B. LAMAR, ALABAMA] TO [S. J. RAY AND OTHERS, MACON, GEORGIAJ 63 MOBILE, August 16, 1850. Gentlemen - Last evening I had the honor to receive your com-

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