The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume IV, part 1



No. 2154 1843 July 6, P. W. DOYLE MEXICO CITY, MEXICO TO [JOSE MARIA DE BOCANEGRA, MEXICO, ~IEXICO] 100 NO. I. Percy W. Doyle to the Minister of Foreign Relations and Government. MEXICO, July 6th, 1843. Having known for some time that by means of Robinson, one of the Texian prisoners set at liberty, proposals have been addressed to the Government of Texas which I have received and which might result in the establishment of peace, I advised his Excellency the President, of this circumstance, and he replied to me that he was disposed to receive Texian Commissioners who might be sent to treat on the pro- posed conditions, acceding further to the proposition which I made him, that a declaration of armistice should be made in order to carry on the negotiations. In consequence I informed the Charge d' Affaires of her Majesty in Texas of what had occurred without loss of time, and in consequence of the communication between that gentleman and the government of Texas. President Houston has published a degree 1 [sic], of which I have the honor to enclose a copy, in which he directs that hostilities shall cease forthwith on the frontier of Texas. I have the honor to advise your Excellency that it may be brought to the notice of his Excellency, that he may communicate to me the measures which the said decree, a copy of which is enclosed, may suggest, in order that I may inform the Charge d' Affaires of her Majesty in Texas for the information of her government. I have the honor to be, with the highest consideration, your most obedient humble servant. · PERCY W. DOYLE. No. 2155 1843 July 7, [JOSt MARIA DE] BOCANEGRA, MEXICO. 2 Office of Foreign Relations and. Government. · MEXICO, July 7th 1843. Most Excellent Sir,- Mr. Percy W. Doyle, Her Britannic Majesty's Charge d' Affaires, has addressed to me a communication,3 a copy of which I have the honor to transmit to your Excellency, in which he explains what has been done in pursuance of the propositions of which Mr. Robinson was the bearer, for the purpose of bringing to conclusion the evils of the war, between Mexico and Texas. Copy No 2 is the copy of the proclamation 4 of Houston on the armistice which Mr. Doyle has transmitted to me; and No. 3 is to advise your Excellency

".,Printed. In no. 2203. 'No. 2152. 'Printed. In no. 2203.

'No. 2154. •No. 2152.

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