they shot me with the arrow I stopped, and they immediately pullecl out the wood part of the arrow, and then stripped me, at the same time they were stripping me they were scalping Mr Bell, within forty yards of me but did not strip him, as soon as they killed Bell and stripped me, they started back to the place where we left the Buggy, as only a part of them followed us I think about five after Bell and and the same number after me, all the party with me, after stripping me left only one which I think was the one shot me, and he was afoot, and told me in Spanish to go and pointed to the place where we started from, I done so, and when within about one hundred yards of the main body of Indians I discovered some Americans in full speed approach- ing the main party of Indians in the mean time I looked back at the Indian who appeared to claim me, and invariably he would pull his spear and tell me in Spanish to go faster at this time my only chance of escape presented it self to me, and I looked back at him again and he was looking up at the Americans coming down the Road as ~oon as I discovered his attention drawn off from me I turned directly to the right and run, some twenty yards, and looked back and to my g1·eat satisfaction, seen my protector as I termed him running in a opposite direction from me, I then stopped, and to my great satisfaction seen the Indians mounting their horses and the one that was with me had barely time to reach his horse before the americans was upon them, which was five in number viz Wm. Hornsby, Joseph Hornsby, James & Crawford Edmiston & Enoch Johnson, they were very poorly armed having only two Rifles and one or two Pistols, being all Frontier men & Brave as lives they rushed on the Indians, who as soon as they dis• covered the whites mounted their horses, and made their retreat in good order the Americans Rushing on them occasionally for the dis- tance of five miles to the Pass in the mountains just above the City of Austin several shots were exchanged by both parties and Mr. Joseph Hornsbys Horse was shot in the chase, and died from the wound, the Indians left two of their Horses & one saddle which I keep and ride myself, three of the party followed my horse ·which was very fleet and in the chase they met a neµ:ro Boy & chased him to Judge Lucketts as before spoken of but could not catch the negro but Judge Luckets children were a short distance from the House and the Indians killed one white bo:v the son of Judge Lucket, one negro boy, and carried one neITT"o hov off. and after doin!!' all this misrhief whilP the other partv ki.lled Bell & take me prisonr they made good their retreat and joined the main body before the_v reached tl1e pass in the mountains, there is one joke attached to this while the Jn<lians ma<le me pull of my coat vest & cravat I very politely aske<l them in Spanitih if they would have my pantaloons, to which they all replied yes in Spanish, my own opinion is that they tooke me for a Mxican, as my hair was verv long- and dressed rather in Mxican garb thev however took all my cloths fln<l left my Boot\; and Hat, but took the band of my hat which had a larµ:e silv~r Ruckle on it. - this is the last ln<lian depredation committed on the South western Frontier, and is the most miraculous ei::cape ever made from the Savages. - A. Coleman [rubric]
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