to the interests of the republican states of America and a menace to peace and independence, in the intimacy of their collective and in- dividual rights. 3rd That all voluntary concessions, absolute or conditional, of any part of the ancient confederation of Central-America for the purpose of colonization or occupation by some monarchical power, or some sup- posed sovereign, under the protection of said power, are considered by the Republic of Nicaragua as being not so hostile to its own interests, as it is menacing to th~ peace and independence of the Central-Ameri- can States. 4th That the Republic of Nicaragua, through the present declara- tion, and by the imprescriptible rights of the American continent, ap- peals to the high powers of the States of tha old confederation of Cen- tral America, in order that they may condescend to favor the present declaration, which reveals the entire thought of independence and con• tinental liberty from which the Americans will never be prescinded-' Given in the Session Hall of the General Assembly in Santiag-o cfo Managua, on the 6th day of Toctober, in the year of our Lord 1849. Toribio Teran S. P. - Pedro Auirre S. S. - J. de Jesus Robleto s. s. _, . Wherefore, it is executed in Santiago de Managua, October 7, 1849 - Norberto Ramirez - " To Mr. D. Sebastian Salinas, Atty., Secretary of the Department of Relations and Government. And by a supreme order I enclose this, etc>. - Salinas. No. 2404 1849 Oct. 7, NORBERTO RAMIREZ, MANAGUA, [NICARAGUA} Decree against foreign intervention in Nicaragua and Central Amer- ica; publishing a cong-ressional decree of Oct. 6. Printed. 1 <'Olumn. Spanish; in no. 2654, p. 30. No. 2405 [ 1849 Oct. 7? SEBASTIAN SALINAS, [MANAGUA, NICA- RAGUA] Circular R,!!ainst foreign inten·ention in Nicarairuan and CcntraL American affairs; publishing a decree of Ramirez of Oct. 7, 1849, pub-. lishing- a congressional decree of Oct. 6, 1849. Printed. Spanish ; in no. 2654, p. 30-1. No. 2406 1849 Ort. 26. ErPHRAIMl GEOfRGEl SQUTER. LEGATlON OF THF TT-:\fT'T'F,D ~1'ATER T~ CRNTRAL AMRRTC.-1. T,EON, NICARAGUA, TO [SEBASTIAN SALINAS, MA- NAGUA, NICARAGUA 1 Answering Salinas's letter of fOe:t.] 18. transmitting-the presidential·, decree of [Oct. 71 ag-ainst foreign intencntion. Printed. Spanish ; in no. 2654, p. 31.
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