The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume IV, part 1



ployment, such as it is - but I am getting a little tired of the hoe, as the warm weather advances - We have a very wet spring so far - will soon probably enter upon a long drought - this to a small farmer, is a bad alternation. I sincerely hope the President will be moderate in the matter of removals from office - that something more than mere party opin- ions will be necessary to effect a turn out. By the time you wade this far through my hasty scrawl, I think you will be willing to see the name of Your old friend David G Burnet No. 2401 1849 June 1, JA[ME]S W. WEBB, BELLE MONTE, [NEAR AUS- TIN, TEXAS] TOMIRABEAU B(UONAPARTE] LAMAR, MACON, GEORGIA Change of plans resulting from an attark of cholera in New Orleans; business connected with the sale and rent of Lamar's Austin property. A. L. S. 3 p. No. 2402 1849 Aug., MfIRABEAUl B[UONAPARTE] LAMAR. NEAR MACON, [GEORGIA] TO - FONTAINE, [COLUMBUS? GEORGIA?] Sending papers connected with the business of the eleven league grant and advising the sending of an agent to get information regarding it from Henderson; his own liabilities to the company and his intention of abandoning his individual claim. Copy. 4 p. No. 2403 1849, Oct. 6, NICARAGUA. CONGRESS. MANAGUA, NICA- RAGUA. DECREF..: DECLARING AGAINST FOREIGN IN- TERVENTION IN NICARAGUA. AND CENTRAL AMERICA. 28 "The President of the State of Nicaragua to its citizens. - 'Whereas, the special legislative assembly has decreed the following - 'In view of past events and present circumstances, the special legis- lative assembly of the Republic of Nicaragua, incorporating the most profounrl sentiments of the people which it represents, solemnly DECLARES: fat That the consfont adherence to the principle of the absolute exclusion of intervention on the part of any other nation in the do- mestic and international affairs of the republican states of America., is a necrssary principle for the })('ace and independence of those same states. . 2nd. That the extension and propagation of monarchical institu- tions on the American rontinent, either bv means of conquest, coloniza- tion or sovereignty tribus errantes, or by other means, are contrary

"Printed. Spanish.

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