a mere nominal rate from the owners of the soil, as it is entirly value- less to them. · If a regular business could be made of this in connection with a ranch and farm, it might be conducted with little expense - as the labor might be performed at a period when the farm hands could be spared without detriment to the crop. Boys could do the whole of it. I would make the manifacturing establishment the basis of the concern. Let the farm be in connection with this and at the proper season all hands could be turn'd into the Gum-forest. Trans- portation down the Rio Grande would not be expensive, as the boat~ required for the purpose would always sell for an advance upon coast at any point fro~ Camargo to the coast. Should you join me in this, I can put into the concern, say one league of land, with the water facilities & 1000 sheep for the ranch. The same water that drives the Machinery can irregate the land. The soil would produce the cotton and our flocks the wool for the factory. As to the facility with which corn, sugar & fruits are produced you are well aware; as also as to the small cost of Peon labor. I would probably turn my profeiasion to account by erecting a build- ing for the reception of patients whose means could afford it. I would be willing to turn my entire personal services to the joint account to make up for my want of capital. You know my medical standing amongst these people. Write me immediately if you please as I am anxious to be acting. Col. Kinnv and hi11 friends will trv to erect a town on the Rio Grande on this side, near my proposed location. This is to be in connection with the proposed route from Corpus Christi to Chihuahua. Hays has return'd from hi11 expedition. He reports a prac- ticable route from here·to Precidio del P11sso, at the mouth of the Los Conchos, 140 miles from Chihu11hua. The road will probably go up the Nueces. Another route is spoken of by way of Fredericksburg. I will wri te 20 you again in a week or two. Yours truly John A. Ve11tch. No. 2397 1849 Jan. 5, M. B. LAMAR, GALVESTON, [TEXAS] TO [J. P. HENDERSON, SAN AUGUSTINE? TEXAS] Inquiry regarding the eleven league izrant held by a [Georgia] com- pany; his own interest; his former inquiry. A. Df. S. 2 p. No. 2398 184<J F,eb. 12, J. A. VF.A'l'CH RAN ANTONIO, rTEXAS] TO [M. B. LAMAR, MACON? GEORGIA?] 21 • San Antonio, Feb. 12th. 1849 Dear General. I wrote some time 11ince to the care of Dr. Lamar. which letter I hope you recieved, and in which I gave some detaiJs of a plan
-See no. 2398. "A. L. S.
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