been raised the President authorized m[e] to fill out the regiment with twelve months men (seven companies) and station them on our fron- tier. I issued the order accordingly & just as we were ready to or- ganize an order reached her [sic] from the Secy of War directing the Coln. (Hays) t(o] move his command to Monterey & report to Gen] Taylor for duty. He is now at San Antonio preparing to have much against the wish of many of the Soldiers of his regiment. I regret it because we would with his regiment ( & the other companies now on our frontier) have been able to guard our entire frontier. I shall call upon the President for other troops to station upon our frontier for its protection and I will also write to Gen] Taylor in reg(ard] to the matters suggested by yourself and request him to authorize the raising of the force yon name: and should he call for it I will be glad to en- gage your services as you suggest. Complaints ere constantly being sent in from Corpus Christi San Patrico Goliad & Davis' Bluf that the Indians are harrassing them & I think the force you suggest may be so arranged as to protect all of those place8.. I fear however that men cannot be had for a longer period than twelve months. I fear-· howc,·er that Genl. Taylor will not t~ke it upon himself to call for the: force you name unless it is clearly apparant that it will aid him in his· present position, which it seems to me may be the case. The river for some distance below Camargo is said now to be pretty much abandoned by l\Lexicans in consequence of Indian depredations, & that Steam Boats .with difficulty get wood in that reg'ion - that may induce him to make the rail - He and the authorities at Wai;zhington now seem .to he plying "Shy." By this opportunity (Walter Winn) I will send to you a letter for Genl Taylor upon the subject above named & a copy of our Laws, if he can carry it,. I shall r communicate ?l to the Presi- dent upon the subject you call my attention to and ask his permission to call out companies &c Yours very Truly J Pinckney Henderson No. 2339 1847 .Tul11 17, l\IIRABEAU BrUONAPARTE] LAMAR, LAREDO, fTEXASl TO WrILLTAMl wr ALLACEl SfMITH] BLISS, [NEAR MONTEREY, MEXICO] Forwarding despatches for General Taylor. A. Df. S. 1 p. No. 2340 1847 July 22, H. L. KINNEY, CORPUS CHRISTI, (TEXAS] TO MfTRABEAUl B[FONAPARTEl LAMAR, LAREDO, TEXAS Invitation to Yisit Corpus Christi; promise of political endorsement; sending brandy. A. L. 8. 1 p.
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