The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume IV, part 1



No. 2215 1846 March 23 J. WEBB WASHINGTON, [D. C.] TO [M. B. LAMAR, AUSTIN, TEXAS] 41 Washington 23d. March 1846- My dear Genl.- Your letter of the 1st. inst. is just recd.-! had no idea of pv.blishing your lines without your permission, altho' I might jestingly hav.e said I would previous to leaving home- Even the great intimacy & friendship subsisting between us would be no warrant, in my estimation, for such a departure from the rules of propriety- ! have been here one week, & am yet unable to say with anything like certainty, what will be the result of my application- The nomi~ nation will not be made until the Texas Senators are here, & some :say it will not be made before the State is fully represented in both Houses- The Senators are hourly expected- I saw Mr. Polk a few -evenings since & had a conversation of half an hour with him- He was courteous & polite, but from several remarks dropped by him, I infer that Genl. Houstons opinions will have much weight with him in making his appointments for Texas- He spoke of his long ac- quaintance with him, his friendship for him, & his desire to see him- Govr. Yell of Arkansas accompanied me to the Presidents, & was the only person present during our interview, except for a short period, when the Vice President was also in the room- The next day I called upon the Heads of the Departments in Company with Mr. West- cott, Senator from Florida- Mr. Walker said at once that he was disposed to cooperate with my friends in procuring the appointment, & Mr. Buchanan has since assured Mr. Westcott that he is also in my favor- Mr. Calhoun has taken a decided stand for me, & so has Oovr. Yell, Judge Chalmers of Mississippi, The entire Florida dele- -gation & some other influential members of both houses- The Georgia •delegation are all friendly, but less active than those from Florida, & I think have less influence- In addition to those I have named, there :are other members from So. Carolina, Virginia, & elsewhere who have ·tendered their services to aid me in this application- Mr. Calhoun thinks there can be no doubt of my success- He thinks that he & Genl. Rusk, & the other influences which will be brought to bear upon the subject, will counteract any opposition which may be arrayed against me, but I think he is hardly aware of the extent of the influence of ·Genl. Houston should it be exerted against me, & I have no reason to ,expect but it will be so exerted- I have not yet seen Watrous- He is in New York but expected here in a few days- I have written to bim, & from all I can learn respecting him I think he is desirous I should get the appointment & withdraw so soon as he ascertains that my prospects of success are good- The Alabama delegation are sup- porting him but will support me if he withdraws- Dr. Archer, who is still here, says he knows that Watrous will withdraw so soon as he sees me- That he has on all occasions spoken in the highest terms of me, & expressed a hope that I might get the office, but has thus far

41 A. L. S.

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