The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume VI

PAPERS 01<' MIRABEAU BUONAPARTE LAMAR 89 dollars for said article. He attempts to explain the circumstance by_ saying that he had included in said receipt; four dollars which he had paid a Mexican, for another instrument of similar kind- Upon ex- amination of facts, however, it was asertained that the second instru- ment purchased, was bought upon a credit from }\fr Gonzales, and was subsequently settled for, by Likins successor. This statement of facts is predicated upon the testimony of Msr Pierce & Gonzales. Likins holds also another receipt from Mr. :Martines, the alcalde at the time, for nine dollars for the hire of his Cart oxen &C to haul Coal from the mines when in fact he paid ::\Ir :Martines only five dollars, the true amount of the account. The circumstance was explained in a manner similar to the former. The quartermaster said that he had. included in said receipt four dollars, which he had paid to Filipi San Miguel for hauling the public stores from the. river on our arrival at Laredo. But upon enquiry it was found that he had already taken a: receipt from Miguel for the same service; not however for four dollars, but for three dollars and fifty Cents, the true amount of the accounL These facts are established by the evidenc'e of the parties named, as; well as by corroberating circumstances.- . Similar difficulties occuring with others of his vouchers has ren- dered it impossible for me to make them, the basis of any settlement with him. I have given him provision and forage returns for all the issues made to my Command by him, withholding any approval of his accounts of purchases- I once made a rough & hasty estimate of his accounts (blending his quartermaster and Commissary expendit.ures together in the calcula- tion) and brought him in debt to the Govmt little over Two hundred dollars. If the Governmt however, should require it, I am able, from the data in my possession,_ to make out out [sic] a pretty fair and

accurate estimate of his real disbursments. I have the honor to be respectfully your Obdt. Servt.

MIRABEAU B LAMAR Capt Comand at Laredo- [Endorsed :] Copy Letter sent to Qr Mas-Genl dated 7 Feby .1847-


Texana Texas 12 Feby 1847-


A friend of mine and myself has on hand an assortment of dry goods suitable for the Frontier trade, And desire to go to Lorado, or its vicinity with them for the purpose of selling for Sheep or such· other articles as may be tµ.rnd into Cash- Hest assured that no spirits or contraband articles will be permitted to be taken and desire- your permit authorising us to dispose of them. I will come myself with Mr Jinkins the person who I refer to will be concernd.- Advise me the best rout to proceed also as to the articles as may suit the troops and citizens- Sending your permit- by first Express

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