65 privates, 8 non-Commissioned Officers, two musicians and one farier making 76 in all. One Capt. drawing 3 rations; one Lieut. drawing 2 rations, and the Sergeon drawing one ration. Besides these there were 5 public mules, on half rations; the whole, amounting to 84½ rations per day. This for five days, would amount to 422½ rations; equal to 105½ bushels and 4 quarts. 99 Bushels of this Cost 73.50; and by allowing 1.00 pr. bushel for the remaining 6½ bushels, it will make the total sum expended for Corn, from :Monterey to Comargo- $79 .50. At comargo we drew corn at the Depot from the 18th to the 26th of October, inclusive, making 9 days. We left Comargo on the 26th and came to the Wardow, where the Qr Master resumed his purchases for the Command. The command now required 100 Rations pr. day; which amount the Qr. Master fur- nished for 12 days-to wit from the 27th October up to our arrival in Laredo on the 8th November inclusive, making 13 days, a one of which no com was issued. It was between l\Iier and Guerrero where a supply could not be obtained.- These 100 Rations pr. day, furnished for 12 days, would amount to 300, Bushels; for 93 · Bushels of which he paid at Guerrero $77.50 cts; and for the balance 207 Bushels he paid $1.00 per bushel; making the total sum from Comargo to Laredo $284.50. From the 9th of Novr. to the 17th, making 9 days, there were foraged 85 horses, 5 mules full rations ancl four mules half rations; making 92 rations daily; and for the 9 clays 828 rations; from which 52 rations are to be deducted for a detached party; leaving 776 rations, equal to Hl4 bushels; at $1.00 pr. bushel.- From the 18th to the 23rd Novr inclusive, making six days, 92 rations daily as above, amounting in the six days to 552 rations; from which 48 are to be deducted for an absent party; leaving 504 rations; equal to 126 bushels; at one dollar pr. bushel. From the 24th to the 40th Novr inclusive, (7 days) 92 rations due daily; making in the 7 days 644 rations, from which 40 rations are to be deducted for the absent; leaving 60-! rations, equal to 151 bushels, at $1.QO. From the 1st. Deer. to the 4th inclusive, making 4 days, 71 rations were clue daily (20 horses & 0I1e mule being absent with Sergeant Peace) making 284 rations in the 4 days; equal to 71. bushels, at one dollar pr. bushel. Recapitulation From the 13th October to the 17th inclusive, we drew 105½ Busl1els of corn; for which the Qr. :Master paid 79.00- 5 days.- From the 18th to the 26th October inclusive we drew Corn from the depot at Comargo-- 9 days.- From the · 27 of October to the 8th. Novr. jnclusive we drew 300 Bushels of Corn, for which the Qr. }laster paid $284.50- 13 days- Froin the 9th. Novr. to the 17th, we drew 194 Bushels of Corn; for which the Qr. M-paid $194.00.- 9. days- From the 18th to the 23rd. Novr. inclusive we drew 126 Bushels for which the Qr }laster paid $126.00- 6. days From the 24th. to the 30th. Novr. inclusive, we d·rew Hil busl1els-$15l.00- 7. days. ·
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