The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume VI



No. 2301. LAMAR TO M. S. HOWE

Laredo Deer. 27th 1846

Capt HowE Commanding at San Antonio. Srn

I have despatched a small party under the Conduct of Sergt. Rhodes for the purpose of bearing despatches to Govr. Henderson. On their arrival at San Antonio.· I have ordered them to Call upon you for necessary supplies; which I must respectfully request you to furnish out of the public stores under your Control The party will remain in San Antonio until two of them- or more-shall proceed to the Seat of Government deliver the documents and return, Yours respectfully PIIRABEAU B. LAlliAR] Capt. Commanding at Laredo No. 2302. LAl\IAR'S l\IEl\IORANDA OF LIKEN'S ACCOUNTS 12 [Laredo, Texas, December? 1846 ?] MEllfORANDUl\I. BY CAPT. LAl\IAR. When Lieut. Likins' letter of the lGth Deer. 1846 (:Ko 11. in the preceding series) was received and read, I indicated to his friend who brought it, my readiness to examine whatever papers the Lieut. might chose to lay before me, and to receiYe his Returns whenever he thought proper to make them.- On the succeeding morning Lieut. Likins called at my Quarters; but I was too much occupied at the time to examine the papers which he brought for my inspection. On the 19th, he called again, in accordance with my note of that date; and exhibited the vouchers which he had taken whilst acting as Qr. l\Iaster & Commissary. I proceeded to their examination; but examined them so far only as to take clown in a rough and hurried manner as each voucher was presented to me, the subject matter of it, the signature, the date and the amount. From this rough record (which is still in my possession) I make the following discriptive list of all the vouch- ers which were presented to me on that occasion; to which is added the several sums which the Qr. ::\faster claims to have paid out for which he has no vouchers. Purchases of Corn.

"Two Receipts from Ramos Quoros, :Monterey, dated the 13th. October 1846, in payment for 42 Bushels of corn- Receipt from the same person, Ramos Quoros, dated 14th October 1846 in payment for 19 Fenagres of Corn- Amount brought forward Receipt from Remijo Garcia dated 19th October 1846, for payment for 21 Fenagres of Corn his Receipt from Don A + Vonsoon, dated 19th October mark





"'In No. 2241.

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