The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume VI



prefered the position to a state of idleness, and Chose rather to be usefull in a subordinate degree than to return home whilst the Con- troversy 1:emained unsettled between the two governments, It now seems from what I Can learn that hostilities Are to be Carried on with renewed energy I would therefore ask to be permitted to rejoin the Army with my Command, Tf however my services should not be required in the field- if there shall be no speedy resumption of active hostilities. I must respectfully solicit another boon, and that is, leave of abscence for a sufficient length of time to make a visit to the city of Washington, I would not ask the favor at the slightest expense of the public service, being fully satisfied, that the objects for which this place was garrisoned, will be Carried out aR efficiently by the Ji'irst Lieutenant as by myself fl\frnABEAU B. LAMARl


Laredo 24th deer. 1846. I certify that I recieved from Lieut. Thos. l\f. Likins a Fifty dollar Treasury note, endorsed by him, 3rd. Decemr. 1846, for which I paid him $50.00 in specie. The said note contained on the back of it the enclorsments of Lieut. Col. Taylor and Lieut. Britton, similar to those which were on the Treasury notes that I purchased of him on a previ- ous occasion. I received the above 'l'reasury note from said Likins on the 22 inst. (Signed) }[ARK STERLING ~faster of the U S. Steamer Major Brown


Laredo 25th. Deer 1846 I certify that I received of Lieut. Thos. M. Likins the sum of Twenty nine ($29.00) dollars in payment for Three beeves which my brother-in law 1\fr Gregori Garcia sold him; and that 1 gave said Likins a receipt for the money;- I further Certify that I received of said Likins, in the settlement of some accounts, a Fifty dollar Treasury Note, which I took without discount. The note was endorsed on the back of it by said Likins Test J. A. WILKINSON AUGUSTIN SOTO [Rubric] No. 2300. LAl\IAR 'l'O JAMES PINCKNEY HENDERSON Laredo 27th Deer. 1846 His Excellency, J. PINCKNEY HENDERSON Srn, T send you this despatch more for the purpose of acqumng infor- mation of you, than for any J have to Communicate I have heard- but only through rumo [r]-that Another Call has been made upon Texas for troops; that they are now being organized, and will be brought very speedily into the field. If this be true, T beg leave to lay

"In No. 2241.

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