duct, One discharge has been made upon the surgeon's certificate the vacancies thus occurring have been filled by others. On the 4th. inst I found it proper to relieve second Lieutenant Thomas M. .Likens from the duties of acting Assistant Qr. Master and Commissary, This removal was made in consequence of the inefficient, as well as excessively unpleasant mauner in which he discharged, the functions of his office, greatly neglecting everything pertaining to the public se [r] vice spending a large portion of his time in gambling, or in making petty pecuniary speculations- occasioning by whimsical, Capricious and disrespectful Conduct, a Constant feeling of unpleasant excitemenf between himself and the Officers, and bickerings, and dis- content among the men He had also evaded, under various pretexts, the submission of his accounts to my inspection, and finally, positively refused to do so. Sometime previous to this, it had been found absolutely requisite to release him from the exercise of any authority in the Company, save what pertained to his Quarter :Master and Commissary duties, in Con- sequence of his entire unfitness for the task of Commanding, On the day of his removal his Conduct became insubordinate and disrespectful, to a degree not to be overlooked, and his arrest b[el came unavoidable. Suspicions had arisen against him of intended and attempted fraud upon the. public funds, and it was these suspicions though reluctantly entertained that prevented my sending to Carmargo for funds before the quarter master and Commissary departments of my Command got into arrears. His obstinate refusal to exhibit his papers and Come to a settlement was Calculated to favor these suspicions, which became greatly strengthened by subsequent developments, He finally submitted his accounts for inspection, tendering tendering [sic] about the same time his resignation: Many of his accounts I could not approve, as I had proof of their unjustness; yet as his de- falcations would probably not exceed his pay, I judged it proper to release him from arrest and accept his profered resignation. I think the interest of the Service greatly subserved in his retirement; and if in sanctioning it I transcended my powers, I hope the proper author- ity may still permit it, as his presence in my Command in any Capacity, would greatly mitigate against every object for which I was placed here. I have received no communication from the authorities of Texas. They have not taken steps towards extending the laws of the State over this portion of its territory, nor do I know the views of the present incumbent of the executive Chair upon this subject. He was duly notified of my occupancy of this place, and was furnished with a Copy of that portion of my instructions which related to the jurisdiction of the Country. I know nothing of the truth of the information, but I have heard with regret, that the Lieut. Governor refused to relinquish the Execu- tive functions on the return of Govr. Henderson to the seat of Gov- ernment.- He holds possession on the ground that the Governor for- fited it by the acceptance of his late military Command, ~n accepting the Command at this post, I was impressed with the behef, that the war was near its dermination [sic] and that active mili- tary operations, in all probability woul<l no longer be prosecuted, I
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