The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume VI




[Laredo, Texas,] December 19, 1846

*Enope Etoreo 3 fcnagres corn @ $3-


Don Gonzalles 25 Do-

$27 00

in addition to this amount there are 2 entries made by the clerk of Don Gonzalles which I do not understand. he the Clerk will explain I have pointed them out to l\ir Clay

Don Jesus Garcie 30 finagres Corn @ $3- Alcaldies Sister· in law 14 Do @ $3- Don Nassaro Bailer 5 Do @ $3-00 Antonio Candese 7 Do @ $3-

$90-00 $42-00 $15-00 $21-00

for corn add the 2 entries where explained to the account of Gonzallies $243.00 *add omission of the upper acct. 9.00

$252 00

Capt LAMAR Sm, the above exhibits a Statement of the outstanding debts so far as I can Reccollect e;xcept for house Rents Quarters &C Respectfully Laredo Texas Deer 19th 1846 Tnos. l\L LIKENS Lieut. [Endorsed:] Likens No. 2293. GREGORIO GARCIA DAVILA'S STATEMENT 0 Laredo 21st. Deer. 1846. I do hereby certify that on or about the 29th November last, I sold to Lieut. Thomas ::u. Likins, Four beeves. For one of them he paid me Two dollars, the beef being a small one. The money was paid to me on the delivery of the beef. For the other three beeves, he gave Ten dollars a piece for two of them, and nine dollars for the third. For these three he settled with my relation, :Mr Soto, who delivered the money (Twenty Nine dollars) to me. In a day or two after this contract, I sold to the said Likins, another beef, for Ten dollars, which he did not pay me for, until after his arrest. He sent for me, and I received the money (Ten dollars) on the Steamboat. He drew up a receipt, which I signed withouj; its being interpreted to me. This is all the beef I ever sold him. (Signed) GREGORI GARCIA DAVILA. Test J. A. WILKINSO_N, Interpreter JOSE MA. GONZALES.-


Laredo Garrison Texas December 24th 1846

Capt. M. B. LAMAR Srn I tender to you my Resignation of the Office of 2nd Lieutenant of a Company of Mounted Volunteers under your Command. Respectfully Sir your Obedt. Sevt. THos. M. LIKENS Leut.

"In No. 2241.

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