'I hereby certify that I was an eye witness to the present[ing andl acceptance of a Captains Commission in the Navy of Texas- [Robert] Potter secty of the Navy, to Nathaniel Hoyt- done at Gal- [ veston J on or about the sixth day of April in the year of our Lord one I thousand] eight hundred and thirty six Galveston [13 ?] June 1845 W)I l\I CARPER I hereby certify that )fr Falvel left a quantity of [documentsl and papers in my possession belonging to different persons, [muti- lated] Texas, amongst which there was a commission in the Texas [Navy belong]ing to Captain Ho_vt. which document has been mislaid or [lost] Galveston 13th June 1845 GEO. H DELESDERNIE Personally appeared before me John :u. Allen )layor of the City of Galve[stonl To wit, L. :l\f. Hitchcock Jr, N. [Hurd,] James G. Hurd, Wm )I. Carper, l Luke J A. Falvel and Geo. H. Delesdernie, [ who J being duly sworn. affirmed to the [facts J therein stated in the annexed cert[ifica]tes, and there and then signed t[hem.7 In token whereof [I] hereby affix my [hand] and seal of [Seal] office. [Thlis fourteenth day of June in the Year of our Lord one Thousand eight hundred aml forty fiye J. )1. ALLEN )fayor No. 2191. PETITION TO JAMES K. POLK [Austin, Texas, August? 18457 His Excellency J.urns K. PoLK, The undersigned Delegates of the people of Texas in Convention assembled, having performed the duties for which they were conyened, cannot consent to disperse and return to their homes, without inviting the attention of the President of the United States in the most respect- ful manner, to the condition in which a highly meritorious· class of their fellow-citizens will be placed by the consumation of the measure of Annexation. They allude to the officers of the Texan Navy. These gentlemen abandoned their homes, and in many instances, honorable and lucrative employments in the servise of the United States, to identify their fortunes with ours at a time of great uncertainty and peril; and they have not only discharged the responsibilites which devolved upon them with great ability and fidelity; but they have per- severed in their duties, under the most di~couraging circumstances, growing out of the pecuniary condition of the Government, without the hope of any other rewan1 than immediate subsistence and such remuneration as might be remotely expected from the gratitude of the country when it should have attained to Independence and prosperity. All hope however, of honerable and independent subsistence either for the present r or 1 future will be distroyed by Annexation, unless pro- vision be made for them hv the Federal GoYernment; as their previous pursuits and habits haYe disqualified them for the ordinary avocations of life. The undersigned, therefore, most earnestly solicit, your Excel- lency to take into consideration their peculiar condition; and if c.on-
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