The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume VI



Salcedo, Manuel, biography, IV, pt. 2, 71; election as civil governor, I, 4, III, 284, V, 383.

San Augustine County, chief justice, II, 313, 454, V, 220; court, II, 440; elec- tion certificate, II, 443; notary pub- lic, II, 476, III, 333; representative, III, 24. Sanchez, Teodoro, IV, pt 1, 198, VI, 166. Sanchez y Ynaga, Jose, letter, IV, pt. 1, 261, VI, 310. Sandoval, I, 45. Sands, Lewis H., letter, II, 396, V, 231. Sandusky, William H., III, 11, 92, V, 309; contract for map, comment, III, 330, V, 405; description of Austin, - • III, 91; letters, III, 521, 532, 590, V, 471, 476, 491; sketches of Austin, III, 92, V, 309. San Felipe de Austin, I, 70, V, 53; ayuntamiento, I, 86, 94, 137; ad- dresses, I, 123, 128-30; advice to, I, 93, 160; files cited, I, 551; burning, 1836, II, 579; cannon from, I, 123; crossing opposite, III, 282; citizens' meetings: 1832, I, 120, 125, 128-30, 137; 1835, I, 206; 1836, I, 339; com- mittee of safety, circular, I, 237; Mexican faction, I, 295; "toryish spirit," I, 139. San Felipe Telegraph, V, 94. San Jacinto, battle, III, 464, III, 272, IV, pt. 1, 208, VI, 171-181; anecdotes of, III, 286; ball to commemorate, 1839, II, 511, V, 267; cannon, III, 110, V, 311 ; Lamar's record, I, 417 III, 102, 115, V, 104; Mexican pris- oners captured at, I, 370; muster roll, I, 352; official report, I, 353, re- quested, I, 405. San Jacinto campaign, I, 350, III, 283, IV, pt. 2, 27, 30-2, V, 376. San Jacinto (Texas Naval vessel), III, 448. San Jacinto River, IV, pt. 1, 124. San Juan Bautista de Larnpazos, pre- sidia! company, I, 61. San Marcos spring, III, 462. San Miguel, Felipe, certificate, IV, pt. 1, 151, VI, 33. San Patricio, I, 341, III, 412. San Patricio County, boundaries, II, 139; chief justice, III, 52, 568; rep- resentative, III, 94, IV, pt. 1, 188. San Saba (presidio), I, 1, IV, pt. 1, 239, VI, 298. San Saba company, II, 559. Santo Domingo, rancho de, IV, pt. 1, 201. Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez de, I, 70, 167-9, 315, 405, 411, 414, III, 285, IV, pt. 1, 186, 193, V, 101, 386; address to Texan army, June 1, 1836, I, 396; anecdotes of, IV, pt. 1, 210, IV, pt.

Salcedo, Nemesio, I, 3. Salcedo village, V, 292.

Saligny, Alphonse de, II, 526, III, 213, 521, 532, V, 252, 270, 476; attitude toward Texas, III, 82, 92, 115; in- troduced, II, 296, 454, V, 215, 252· mission to Texas, II, 411, 540, In', 192, 530, V, 327. Salinas, Sebastian, IV, pt. 1, 207; cir- cular, IV, pt. 1, 207. Salinas, Victoriano, certificate, IV, pt. 1, 152, VI, 37. Salmon, R., letter, 111, 199, V, 330. Saltillo, disturbances, 1834-5 I 523 III, 238, IV, pt. 1, 242; fight' near: 1480, IV, pt. 1, 238. Sample, David, III, 299; letter, III, 151. San Antonio de Bexar, II, 245, III, 153, IV, pt. 1, 209; aid for asked, 1836, I, 300, 338, 343; alleged move- ment of troops from, 1832, I, 127; ball, III, 521, V, 472; capture by Royalists, 1813, III, 531, V, 474; capture, 1835, I, 248, 262, 292, 368, IV, pt. 1, 42, 47, 96, V, 95, 513; Casas's insurrection, III, 278; citi- zens' and soldiers' meeting, 1836, proceedings and resolutions, I, 309, V, 93; commanding officer, I, 46; conditions, 1836, I, 297; 1838, II, 192; 1839, III, 106;_effort to remove state government to, I, 204; election at, August, 1832, I, 512; fall of, 1836, I, 350; Fannin's advice to concen- trate troops at, I, 309; garrison, V, 93; history, III, 281, IV, pt. 2, 1; Lamar's wish for real estate in, III, 532; mail route to, desired, IV, pt. 1, 189, VI, 161; l\Iexfa invited to co- operate in attack upon, I, 263; Mex- ican attack. I, 341; Mexican attack expected, IV, pt. 1, 135; Mexican de- signs against, I, 330; Mexican troops at, I, 395; military headquarters, IV, pt. 1, 203; movements of troops to, 1836, I, 337, 338; mysterious pris- oner, IV, pt. 1, 208, VI, 171-181; nomenclature, III, 283, IV, pt. 2, 71, V, 383; Woll's raid, IV, pt. 1, 35. San Antonio de Bexar (presidio) , I, 1. San Antonio Ledger, IV, pt. 2, 5. · San Augustine, customs district, II, 273, 279, V, 209. San Augustine (municipality), hall, I, 576; committee of vigilance and safety, address, I, 267; representa- tion in the convention, 1836, I, 318; newspapers, II, 208.

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