for quarters, he brought with him between Two anq Three hundred dollars, which he (after his arrest) exhibited to the Alcalde as evi- dence of his ability to comply with his private contracts.- Attest JNo A VEATCH (Signed) 11L.\RK STERLING Master of the U S Steamer 11Iajor Brown.
No. 2280. LAMAR TO B. T. TILDEN, JR.
Laredo, Garrison )-± Deer 1846.
Lieutenant TILDEN SIR, .
I received a letter from Capt. Crossman from which I make the fol- lowing extract-to wit- "Lieut Tilden 2nd Infry, left here a few days since, for your post, with $1,000 for Lieut. Likins, which I shall now direct him to tum over to you, or retain himself, as you may deem best for the interest of the service." Presuming that you have received the instructions ,alluded to by Capt. Crossman I have directed Lieutenant John A Veatch to call upon you for said money and to receipt to you for the same.- Yours respectfully MIRABEAU B. LAMAR, Capt. Commanding at ·Laredo-
No. 2281. B. T. TILDEN, JR. TO LAl\IAR
DEAR Srn, It becomes important for the good of the service, that I should have at least three hundred dollars at my disposal for the exigencies which have arisen relating to the :Major Brown- If therefore you do not require for immecliate use, over seven hun- dred dollars I will be obliged to you if you will direct Lt. Veatch to call only for that amount. I have receipted & am responsible for the whole amount & can see no impropriety in the step, provided your necessities do not require the whole amount. I shall otherwise be obliged to wait until I can hear from Camargo before I can begin to move the boat for eight or ten days. For I cant get these l\Iexicans to work without paying them for it. And if I have occasion to discharge any one I must have the means to settle with him at the same time. Very Respectfully Your Obert Svt
B. T. TILDEN Jr.US V Regt U. S. Infry In charge of U. S. Steamer 11Iajor Brown-
[Laredo, Texas,] Dec 14 '46 [Addressed:] Capt Lamar Com'g Laredo Gr
Laredo Garrison Texas Deer 14th 1846
SIR I have the honor to Request that the accompanying Communications may be forwarded, through you to the propper head quarters and at
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