The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume VI



of the act, or of the position in which it would place me signed it, in a short time after this, I accidentally saw the scale aboard the steamer; Maj Brown, lying in the River at this place) which recalled to my mind the remark of the Quarterma~ter Concerning it. I therefore examined it, and to my surprise found it precisely in the same condi- tion as when I first delivered it to him Q. M. I then began to reflect and Could not conceive his object•if any for saying it was broken. at the same time began to think more seriously. and feeling the delicacy of my position I sought a favorable opportu- nity of apprizing Lieutenant Veatch of the same that the error might be Corrected Larido Deer. 4th. 1846 G. W. PIERCE [Endorsed:] Private No. 2253. JOHN A. VEATCH TO THOMAS BELL [Laredo, Texas, D~cember 4, 1846] You expressed, yesterday, a willingness to give a written Statement of Certain facts Connected with a transaction between yourself and Leut Thos. M Likens in which you became possessed of a draft to the amt of $50-from the said Likens. By Complying immediately with your promise you will Confer a favor. Mr Hickey will wait on you for that purpose Yours Respy (Signed) JNo. A VEATCH , [Endorsed : Lieut J no. A. Veatch letter to Thomas Bell Mr BELL Srn,


Laredo 4 Deer. 1846.


In reply to your note of this date, in relation to a certain transac- tion between Lieut. Likins of the Loredo Guards and myself, I have briefly to state, that about 14 days ago, he and myself were engaged in a game at Cards when I won from him the sum Ten dollars which he paid immediately by endorsing and presenting to me a 'rreasury or Government note for fifty dollars, which I received and gave him in Change forty dollars. The Note or paper received from him I still hold. It is dated 31st August 1846 numbered 3843, Payable to Lieut. Col. J. Taylor and endorsed by him to Lieut Britton; and finally en- dorsed by said Likins at the time of the transaction referred to- 'rhe endorsement read thus. "T. 1\1. Likins Lieut A.A.C.S. Loredo Gar- rison, 21st Novr. 1846."- Yours respectfully- T. BELL Attest J no. B. Hickey [Addressed:] Lieut. Jno. A. Veatch present.

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