observed that if Genl Austin would not sign his name & become presi- dent, he must sign his relinquishment. Genl. Austin heard this con- versation and called to Henry Austin, saying "Henry bring him in, I am willing to sign the relinquishmt ;" which he did, and the matter ended. Archer became the Prest previous to Archers visit, Genl. Aus- tin, whilst lying before the fire much exhausted, said Henry I want to tell you something, but I cannot make it intelligible; my mind is all chaos-he the [n] spoke incoherently; something about taking an in- terest-signing bonds-they want me to be the prest. but I cant. Henry Austin gathered enough from this to enable him to better understand Dr Archer's visit when he came for the Genl. name to the Bank Articles- May we not look forward to the pleasing period when Texas shall be densley populated; When sience & Literature, aided by wealth, shall shed their benign & glorious beames abroad like the burning eye of day; then we shall-see schools, Colleges, and every institution minis- t fer] ing to the wants of man and Glory of God. Some other Franklin will &0-Whilst J effersons in the Cabinet and Chathams in the Sen- ate &C- Peel ·purchased some mamouth bones, which he exhibited, from time to time adding to his shew some new & interesting relick or curiosity, until from his humble start, lo! the Museum pf two Cities Sprang, the One at Philidelphia by the Father; the other at Baltimore by the son. And may not the little relicks of this family form in some future day the neuclus of a similar concentration of Science & Curiosity; May not the pipe of the Grandfather; the hatchet of the father & sword of the son be to Texas what the Mamouth bones were to Pensylvania and Maryland. The one had an inate reverence of truth; the other was to its habit- ual contemner the word of the former casually droped was more to be relied on, than the oath of the latter sealed upon a stack of bibles as high as the tower of Bable. The Schoolboy inverts the order of his sums to prove their correct- ness; do the same with this man's statements; their correctness or truth may be found as the boy proves his sums by working backwards. ANAHUAC When Traves took this place-a previous meeting of the authorities at San Fillipe had ordered the place to be reduced; Travers was deputed to the task; on his way to Anahuac, he recd an express from the au- thorities at San Fillipe countermanding what had been ordered; but fJ'ravis refused to obey the countermand, and proceded on to the re- duction of the place. This done, on his return to San Fellipe, he found that the Authorities there had censured what he had done.-
GovR. SMITH The quarrel between this officer•& the Council was caused by the following circumstance. A loan of one hundred thousand dollars was
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