No. 2381. JOHN HAYS AND A. BELL TO LAMAR Mier [Mexico] March 26th 1848 Sm Mr J Seall the bearer of this is moving his family to San Antonio Texas He is brotherinlaw to Mr Dwyer in San Antonio and is now settling on his land in that vicinity He is Gentleman and if you can do him the favor to give him some protection until he passes with his family through the dangerous part of the route from Laredo to San Antonio you will confer a lasting favour upon Capt Bell & myself as wc both feel anxious for his welfare and safety His wife is the sister of mine and also of Capt Bells , He has been at different times of service to the Americans here and is now about to become a permanent citizen of your state Mr Dwyer joins in this request and any thing you may see fit to do for him will be fully appreciated by your friends JNO HAYS A BELL P. S Should it be possible allow him a small escort as far on the road as you can consistently with your official duties JNo. H [Endorsed:] John H~ys A Bell No. 2383. RAMON AND OTHERS TO GENERAL WOOL [Translation from the Spanish] REPRESENTATIVE Co~n.IISSION OF THE PEOPLE- The enclosed copies, numbered one and two, obtained from the Com- missioners of this vicinity, and the reply of Capt. Mirabeau B. Lamar, advise Your Excellency first, relative to giving prompt fulfillment to the observance of the treaty between the United States and Mexico, celebrated in the Capital of Mexico on the 29th of last February and ratified on the 6th and 8th of the following March by the Hon. Gen- eral in Chief of the Mexican State of Queretaro, with the consent of the supreme powers of both countries, between the United States and the States of Mexico; and second, relative to the difficulties presented by the Hon. Lamar .in order that it may be observed under the prin- ciples which it sets forth, and for the purpose of obtaining from Your Excellency the necessary declaration, now that it is understood that this town, like the others in Mexico, agrees to reestablish its municipal authorities in conformity with the literal interpretation of article 6 of the aforementioned treaty, as· well as · all the rest of the points con- tained in it. This commission petitions Your Excellency that you may have the kindness to issue your orders expressly to the aforesaid Hon. Lamar in order that he may leave this community in the liberty of exercising the powers which for the present are conceded to them as Mexicans, in the meantime that their ·own communication presents it in due form to Your Excellency, as their Superior Chief. The Hon. Lamar himself after replying to the only point which was touched upon in our communication, brings in details, or minutiae altogether obvious; but Your Excellency will permit us, now that by chance we speak of them, to inform you of some particulars, He says; that for more than
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