The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume VI




Laredo, Te~as. December 14, 1847.

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Your company has filled its )luster Roll, it consists of 90 men rank and file, all "Well mounted and equipped except the Germans, their Horses are hardly fit for sen-ice, it is the best looking, and the best conditioned corps I ha,e e,er seen in the Volunteer service. An elec- tion "Was held on Sunday the 12th for Officers- Yourself Pease and myself had no opposition and receiwd the unanimous ,ote of the com- pany, for the 3d Lieutenancy. Da,is, Paul, Barton and )IcWilliams were candidates- It required a majority and not a plurality to gov- ern-Paul received 36 votes. Da,is 23. Barton 15. )IcWilliams 00. total 73. necessary to a choice 31, neither having recei.ed a majority, a new election was held, Davis recei.ed 44, and, Paul, 37, majority for, Da,is, 7 ,otes, I thereupon declared Davis the 3d Lieut. to this decision Paul has protested, he claims to be entitled to the office, hav- ing recei,ed a plurality of the Votes, I announced the fact before the election that an appeal from my decision would be sent to Col. Bell for his decision- "Which has been done all the facts stated and he will decide In the absence of the )Iilitary laws, I adopted that course, which seemed to me most equitable and just, and "Whate,er may be the de- cision of Col Bell, I shall feel satisfied that it was the one best cal- culated to define the choice of the company I should like to hear your opinion. Dodson beat Ratcliff for. 0 S. Ramsdal, Scott & Carter are the Sergeants, Austin, Compton, Raines & Stubblefield the corporals.- I ha,e not a distinct recollection of the order of the Governor relating to the organization of the company. I construed it as .not more than 84 Privates-should I be wrong, please use your influence to have it increased to 100 Rank and file, we are the most exposed on the frontier and the others, Veatch I am certain of has at least 100. The men whom I have taken in o,er the 8-! are from Eastern Texas. Young men, and well mounted and I disliked to loose them. Pedro has not yet arrived- do come back and take command I am tired of it. I send 10 men to Bexar, two of them Clark & Alexander are furloughed to carry a negro to the Little Riwr which they cap- tured on the opposite side of the River, they will report to you at Austin, Lieut Davis takes, 20 men to Sabinas after corn, and I lea,e with about 30 for Camargo, in a few days. The detail has returned from Corpus, Cazeneau was still there. Don Ornophrey Hill, is to meet him on the 10th. Jan. at Corpus. all quiet in the neighbourhood- send me some papers by return of Clarke. Yours truly Gen. Lamar. H.P. BEE. P. S. Wilkinson and Lettick request me to say to you, that they will bid for the mail from Laredo to Bexar once a month- please secure us a mail route if possible- and recommend Walter Winn for Post )faster- BEE

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