in Llaredo [sic] soon. M:y brother is now attending the Courts be- low- He desired to be remembered to you.
Yours with much respect and Esteem- .
No. 2353. W.W. S. BLISS TO LAUAR
Head Quarters, Army of Occupation, Camp near Monterey,. Septr 28th 1847
Your communication of Septr. 17th, has been received and laid before the Commanding General who is pleased to learn that you have received authority to organize a new company for the defence of the frontier near Laredo. The inclosed copy of an order to the Depart- ments of the Staff will show that supplies will be furnished on your requisition. It is hoped there will be no necessity for evacuating Laredo entirely, but of this you must be the judge, as much better acquainted than the General can be with the state of affairs in that quarter. We have advices from the City of Mexico to the 11th inst. Our troops gained a signal victory over the :Mexicans on the 20th of August-the latter sustaining a loss of about 5000 in killed, wounded and prisoners. An Armistice was entered into with a view to negotiations, but on the 8th of Septr. it was broken off and hostilities resumed-our troops carrying and destroying some of the enemy's works near Chapultepec. On the 11th an attack was hourly expected in Mexico, and we are now anxiously looking for further news. · I am, Sir, Very respectfully, Your Obedt Servt. W. W. S. Buss, Asst. Adj. Genl. Genl. M. B. Lamar, Comdg at Laredo P. S. We have just learned that our troops defeated the Mexicans on the 12th inst. carrying two strong points and then the capital. Santa Anna with 6000 men retired to Queretaro No. 2355. RECEIPTS TO LAMAR Received this 9th day of October 1847 at Comargo, Mexico, of Captain M. B. Lamar, the Discharges of Martin Chaddick and R. vV. Spradling, which discharges are dated the 7th inst. and are delivered to me as the authorised agent of those persons. NATHAN ]\IcF ARLANE Received of Capt. l\I. B. Lamar the Discharge of A. C. Heard- Said discharge bearing this date and delivered to me as agent of said Heard. Comargo 7th. Octr. 1847. RP BARTON Received of Capt. 1\1. B. Lamar The Diseharge of B. B. Likins, dated the 7th of this month, which is delivered to me as the authorised agent of said Likins- Comargo Mexico, 9th October 1847. A. K. VANSICKLE [Endorsed:] Receipts for Discharges
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