ceeded by Ugartacher. Ramon l\fuscos was Governor at the time, from 1827 to 183-. BATTLE OF MADINA At the battle of l\Iadina, l\fonchaca commanded on the right and Francisco Ruis on the left. Illonchaca was killed by a cannon ball. Aradondo, when he entered Sanantonio, offered a reward of Ten thou- sand dollars for the head of Ruis.-· Col. Nicholas Condey was at Sanantonio in the beginning of the Revolution. At Acapulco- Ramires y Sesma the same that was in Texas- Exe- cuted the order denounced against Guerrero at Acapul'co- The Court martial was headed by Condey- and Sesma executed the sentence. ~esma died about 1845- Condey still lives- FROM: CAPT. BENJ. HILL. Reuben Ross, Virginian, was appointed Capt of the Rangers in the West, the first company for that purpose- It was in Septr. 1839- He was Mphew of Col. Ross in the war of 1812 and 1813-Whilst ranging in the west, he heard of Canalis being at Victoria- Canalis made some overtures for Ross to join him in the Federal War- Ross agreed-marched to San Patricio, where Canalises forces assembled- Ross was elected Colonel there of the Texan Allies- Ben Hill was adjutant-they mustered 226 strong- Of Mexicans about 900.-Left San Praticio about 15th Octr or 20- and moved to Guerrero-made a daylight attack upon that place- The Garrison 320 strong, com- manded by Bernerdo Guiterez, who had been previously a Federal, but appointed 3 or 4 days before the fight to the command of the Garrison. One half of the Command crossed above, and the other below the River Salow The upper division reached town a short time before the lower, and took the place before the River came up. Roman, the Lieut. Col. Commanded the division that took the place. They reached town be- tween day light and sunrise-When Ross Crossed the Salow and intered the town, the garrison was dispersed, and Guiterez made pris- oner. Guiterez was kept prisoner until the Parbone fight and after- wards released. There was no Mexicans in the taking of the place- They were all in the lower division with Ross.- Left Guerrero the same day 3 oclk in the afternoon, and took the road to Mier, and got within 4 miles of Mier about 2 oclk that night-stopped to encamp, when the spies came in and reported that Parbone was about deserting the town (Mier)- The Federals, pushed on immediately, (having rested only 2 hours) and entered Mier about ½ hour after sunrise, and found Parbone flying- They pursued him 15 miles when he halted, and prepared for battle. He occupied an eminence The fight com- menced about 11 or 12 Oclk & lasted until dark- Tonkeway Jones, from Gonzales was shot dead; Black was wounded The Texans occupied a ditch; the ::\fexicans commenced firing upon them with artillery and small arms- The Texans, however, did not return it for two hours, because they had fallen asleep and had slept 2 hours, under this continued fire from the enemy, until the enemy made a charge, whereupon the Texans, rousing frorp. their slumbers,
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