throwing so thin a veil over the hypocracy which placed around your monstrous prejudices.- [JAMES HAMILTONl [Added in Lamar's hand: J Louisiana was acquired in 1803- The treaty of Limits with Mexico was made on 12 January 1828. This treaty recites the preamble of the one made with Old Spain in 1819 & is confirmatory of that, making the line described in that, reaffirmed with Mexico in 1828. The Resolution, recognising Texas Independence by the U S. was introduced into the Congress by Mr Wa[l]ker on the same day & month that Texas declared her Independence- 2nd. March 1837, one year just after Old Spain never acknowledged the Independence of Mexico until the 28th Deer. 1836- when Texas had acquired her Independence- When steps were taken in the U S towards the Independence of Mexico The Spanish Minister entered a protest against the act-dated 9th March 1822- disregarding this protest, the US. acknowledged the Independence of Mexico in 1823- On the 25 Septr. Spain renewed her protest against this act of Recognition- On the 26 Octr 1825 she again renewed her protest against said act-- Yet in defiance of this the U S dispatched Mr. Poinsett to Mexico with proposals to purchase Texas from this newly established Govt- During all this time Spain was still waging War upon Mexico; and was holding the Castle of Vera Crus so late as 20 Deer. 1825- No. 2208. "RED RIVER SETTLEMENT." . LAMAR [Richmond, Texas, 1845 ?l The Line strikes near Pecan point, 20 miles below- above this point up the Red River there were in 1833 but very few inhabitants, not more than 20 families; the country however was just [coming into no]tice; emigration flowed in there rapidly; so that in 10 years that section, voted 1000 strong-embracing the Country now known as Bowie, Red River, Fannin, Lamar. Neil Martin, & Burkham were per- haps the first settlers on the Red River- Martin is esteemd a plain farmer but an excellent man; he removed from the Red River & set- tled near Nacogdoches where he still lives- Burkham he [was] resid- ing on the Choctaw side, where the Choctaws were removed by the Govt. to that country; Burkham had of consequence to leave; he crossed the river & was still residing there in 1833, few miles above the Spanish Bluff (Ellis' place) between that & Pecan point- Milaman, [sic] as the Agent of Genl. Wavel was on his way to Pecan point in 1830 with a Commissioner to settle emigrants on Wavel's Grant, when he & the commissioner were stop at Nacogdoches PY au- thority of the Mexican Govt-in consequence of the April Law of 1830-Genl. Teran was appointed Land Commissioner Genl to carry out the Law of 1830- The following posts were established by him in pursuance of this object- Anahuac . . . [mutilated] Col. Bean . · [mutilated] on the Natches above the Junction- near mouth US. 3rd March 1837 acknowledge Texas [Endorsed : J Notes on Texas & Mexico
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