INFORMATION DERIVED FROM JUAN R.A.l\1OS Born & bred in Laredo, a good soldier, good man who has fought in all the wars against the Indians and for th€ Liberties of this country 'The first assembling of the Federal army was oposite to Comargo •east side of the river- crossed from Comargo.to East Side with 50 men (Canalis) This was in Octr. 1838- He sent a proclamation to the various towns, recrossed over to Co- margo, and went to Ronoso where his force was augmented to 800- raised from Laredo, Guerrero &C- 'fhe Chiefs Canalis, the 2nd was Eleuterio Mendes,- Zapata, Christobal Ramirez, y l\Iacedonio Capis- .trano Cols. of Regt From Ronoso they moved for l\Ionterey-met Col. Vascas with 200 men- Captured him & his force, with 2 pieces artilery; the Cap- tives joined the Federalists, some few heing left free to go if they did not want to join-. 'Took the road for l\Iatamoras with 1000 men; encamped Las Crusetas near matamoras; The Central army came out 1000 men 4 pieces of artillery,- The General in Chief was Felisola at l\Iatamoras with -5000 men-the Genl. who came out to meet the Federals was Genl Ampudia; they fought strong, (the Feds.) Ampudia sent for reen- forcemt of 500 more from rnatarnoras & additional Amunition-the reinforcemt was Commanded by Parbone- The fight still continued until the Federalists were put to flight for the want [of] powder- their amunition was expended- They lost 100 horses & the 2 pieces ·of Captured Artillery- In 3 leagues the scattered Feds reassembled with powder obtained at Renoso, each man having only six rounds of ·cartriges- They moved towards 'fampico, to meet Caniliso who was coming from that city whither he had gone against Urea, was re- pulsed by him & was now on his return to Matampras-- Canalais took the Chaparell, and surprised Canaliso at Tigre between San Fernaldo and Matamoras- Soon as they met, Canalis charged the vanguard of the enemy, and Canalis formed for battle- Canalis expended the six rounds of cartriges, being all he had, and then retreated to Cavoneras where he halted, Canaliso escaping to l\fatamoras with 2 or 3 men. From Cavonieras Canalis dispatched C'ol Cuevas to Tampico for amu- nition & artillery- (From this place the narator Ramas was sent to Laredo; his information is now given not upon personal knowledge but upon the words of others)- Received 3 pieces, and amunition from Tampico--whilst at Cav- 'Onieras waiting for powder &C- Genl. Lemus arrived at Cavonieras, with a force and took the Chief Command now 1500 strong- Lemus moved for Monterrey; near Caldarette he met with Ampudia on his way to l\fonterey with a strong force, going there after a large amt money- sent by the Govt. to the Central army. Lemus pushed on & .overtook him-both halted & prepared for battle- .Ampudia sent a white flag-the two children held a Conference, the nature of which was never known- Lemus desisted : and Ampudia marched on to J\fon- terey without interruption- Lemus stopped at Caldarette- Ampudia tarried only one day in J\fontery; left it "·ith his money; he was pur- -.sued by Zapata with 200 men- Zapata attacked the rear, annoyed
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