The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume IV


PAGE Note written on bill from Ben Fort Smith, April 23, 1838, complaining that the bill was unjust..........•···-··-···················-····················--·······-····· 39 "Rules and Regulations for the government of Officials of the Texan Government," February 6, 1838_·····-··················-·-·····--······--··-·····-- 39 To Henry Smith, February 7, 1838, relative to the payment of a claim against the government presented by William Cannon.......................... 44 To Henry Smith, Secretary of the Treasury, February 22, 1838, instruct- ing him to deposit with the Treasurer a sufficient amount of the new issue for the payment of troops at San Antonio.............·-············--······ 44 To the Texas Congress, April 17, 1838, relative to suits instigated against the Commissioner of the General Land Office, and the Secretary of War ··-·······-······-························-········-······---··-·······-·······················-··-· 44 To the Texas Senate, April 30, 1838, relative to a Senate resolution of April 25, 1838, that required subordination, guarantees, order, and responsibility in the various departments of government.....·-···········- 46 To the Texas Senate, May 21, 1838, submitting information on Indian relations .......................·-············.····-····-······--··...._........................__.···- 55 To the Texas Congress, May 23, 1838, vetoing an act for the defence of the frontier, because it left no discretion to the President, and had other serious defects..........•·······-········-·················-··-·············-······-····- 60 To Hugh McLeod, August 11, 1838, ordering that peaceful citizens should not be molested..·-····-·-····-·-·········--····-··---··-·-·········-···-·····--······ 63 General Order against the molestation of private property, September 1, 1838 ·-·········--····-·········-··-····-·-·-·····-·--···--·--····-············--·····- 64 General Order concerning private property, September 3, 1838..·-····-···--·· 65 To the Texas Senate, December 8, 1838, submitting the nomination of Thomas Lynch Hamilton for the office of consul at Charleston, South Carolina ········-····-···-···-······-····--····-······--··--···-······-·-··- -··········- 65 An endorsement on a letter to George W. Hockley, February 23, 1839, relative to persons named who wished to protect illicit trade......-·-·-·· 65 To James S. Holman, May 3, 1840, ordering the payment of $250 to Addison C. Love...·-··-········-····-···-·········--·········--····-···-····-············· 66 To Samuel A. Roberts, December 14, 1841, informing him that Anson Jones had been appointed Secretary of State..............·-·-··········-···--· 66 To James B. Shaw, December 22, 1841, announcing that F. R. Lubbock had been appointed Comptroller··-··-·········-·--····-························-········ 67 JANUARY, 1842-APRIL, 1842 To James Reily, January 1, 1842, authorizing him to check on the Treasury Department in outfitting for the position of charge d'ciffafres to the United States-························································-········· 68 To L. B. Franks, January 5, 1842, requesting him to ascertain the dispo- sition of the wild Indians for peace with the Texans............................. 69 To Tod Robinson, Chairman of the Committee on Finance, January 5, 1842, relative to the amount necessary for the maintenance of the Executive Department for the ensuing year...........·-···-···-······-·········-···· 69 Order on the Secretary of the Treasury, January 5, 1842, for the payment out of the Treasury, at six for one, all necessary claims...- ................... 70 To the Texas Congress, January 5, 1842, transmitting communications from the Treasury Department.------·······-·····--·-······-···--···---···-··--·-· 70

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