The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume IV



We respectfully·refer you to the enclosed extTacts from letters from Col. May - and also to the letter of Capt. Walker.

Sam Houston Thos. J Rusk T Pilsbury

Thomas Perry J. G. Chapmann Edward Love

1 E. W. Winkler Papers, Austin, Texas.

SPEECH IN THE UNITED STATES SENATE, FEBRUARY 19, 1847, ON THE "THREE MILLION BILL" 1 Mr. Houston said, from the course this debate had taken, the object of this bill was in danger of being forgotten. Its merits appeared to have been pretty much overlooked, for no position had particularly been taken in favor of its passage, or in oppo- sition to it; gentlemen having discussed a variety of topics, having no immediate connexion with it. As, therefore, gentlemen had gone into so wide a discussion, it would impose on him the duty of noticing matters somewhat irrelevant to the question pending before the Senate. Honorable gentlemen, in discussing this subject, had adverted to various circumstances which seem to claim no very intimate connexion with it; and some which involve not only the interests, but the integrity of the territory of the State which he in part represented. But previous to entering into an investigation of that subject, it might not be improper to advert to that portion of their discussions which had relation to the expulsion of the printer to Congress. He had not thought proper, nor, indeed, had the opportunity presented itself, to offer the views he entertained on that subject while it was before the Senate, however deeply he was impressed with its importance, as connected with the liberties and the well-being of our citizens. The Senate, in its wisdom, may have acted correctly, but his opinions were so much at variance with the policy of the course pursued, that he would adduce some rea- sons why he was inclined to believe that an error might have been committed. If they were to regard the privileges of this body as sacred, and to hold that the members were not subject to the ordinary influence of public opinion; and if they were to enjoy the exclu- sive right to restrict in others privileges indulged in by members of this body, it would seem to him that they were assuming a

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