The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume IV



exception to it, nor a sufficient inducement to favor it. If he thought that a measure was wrong in itself, he was not to be influenced to support it because it was brought with the highest Executive sanction; convinced that it was wrong, his vote would never be given for it. He was not sent here to hold his opinions in submission to those of any other individual. If his judgment was not sufficiently instructed to guide him in a right course, he still was obliged to feel that he was placed in a position where he must act by the best lights he could obtain from it. In all matters he was resolved to do as his conscience admonished him. If he could take this bill in its present form, and blindly vote for its passage against his solemn convictions of duty, he should feel he had no business here. But while experience, with the aid of the best lights of his own judgment, admonished him to pursue an opposite course, he would pursue it regardless by whom the measure was recommended. He would look to the country only; he would be directed by a single eye to its interests; he would not suffer his judgment to be influenced by the wishes of individuals, but endeavor so to act as to confer the greatest benefits on the whole. Mr. Huntington: ... Mr. Houston briefly replied to the remarks of the Senator from Connecticut, quoting the law which that Senator had re- ferred to, in proof of the accuracy of the interpretation, which he had heretofore given of it.

1 Congressional Globe, 1846-1847, 232-234, 300-302.


Washington, January 27, 1847

To the President of the United States Sir We beg to call your attention to the claims of Mr. John C. Howard for a commission in the army-claims growing out of his conduct as an officer in the Army of Texas, and more recently strengthened and marked by his gallant conduct as a volunteer in the charge conducted by Col. Charles May at Resaca De La Palma. We would earnestly recommend him to you as deserving a commission, and having no hesitation in expressing conviction, that in the discharge of his duty he wm give entire satisfaction.

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