for sustaining it in a foreign war, whether brief or protracted in its duration. We shall be compelled, or wonders would never cease, to rely on something more than regulars before we get to the end of this war. There would not be found a sufficient number of regulars to inlist while there was any chance of their being received as volunteers. There was one feeling common to all, which would lead every man to yield to his own promptings, rather than to the dictates of others, and to choose under whom they would be disposed to serve. It was a proper, a natural, a becoming pride, a high-toned patriotic feeling, which made our citizens willing to come forward in the hour of danger, to serve their country, and, if needful, to die in defence of their liberties; but it was a pride which ought not to be curbed and kept down by hard and unnecessary restrictions. Suppose the ten regiments now required for the regular army should not be filled, or found sufficient for the war, would an attempt be made to fill the regular ranks out of the volunteers? Such a purpose could never be carried into effect. Mr. H. then recurred to the legislation of the last war in reference to regulars and volunteers, to strengthen the views he had thrown out and reiterated the arguments he haa before brought forward as to the superior cheapness and efficiency of volunteers, and the ease with which, after the expiration of their term of service, they would slide back into the civil walks of life, without causing any injury to the framework of society. He considered that the passage of this bill, according to the shape which it might assume, would exercise a powerful influence on the destinies of our country. If regulars were authorized, it would be an influence for evil; but if volunteers were preferred, the effect would be beneficial. Let regulars be taken, and the impression would run through the country that this course was taken because the volunteers were not worthy of the confidence of the Government, and that for the defence of the country the regular army only could be trusted. As he had not been able to bring his mind to such conclusion, he had felt himself constrained to take the course he had taken. He disclaimed any desire to court popular approbation: he had not been actuated by a wish to make a speech which would be read abroad. He had spoken and votea according to the dictates of his deliberate judgment. That the measure had come to Congress with the recommenda- tion of the President-that a resort to regulars had had the sanc- tion of the highest authority-was to have neither a ground of
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