The Writings of Sam Houston, Volume IV



crown my efforts.-I will advise with your brother, and pursue his suggestions. Sam Houston [Rubric] Nath! Levin, Esq., Charleston 1 From the Emil Hurja Collection, Washington, D. C. Little has been found concerning Nathaniel Levin, except that he was born and educated at Charleston, South Carolina, and attended South Carolina College (University of South Carolina). He was the brother of Lewis Charles Levin, one of the organizers of the Native-American Party, and he was associated with his brother in the development of that party from 1843 to 1850. For a brief biography of Lewis Charles Levin, Nathaniel's brother, see Dictiona1-y of Ame1-ican Biog,-aphy, XI, 200-201.


Washington City, Jany. 7th 1847

Sir: Col. Woods of the 2d Regiment of Texas Volunteers recently discharged from the·service of the United States, has written me respecting Surgeon C. B. Barnes, Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. Army, and quartermaster John A. Veatch, attached to his regiment, who were not recognized or paid for their services ·when mustered out of service- Will you please furnish me with information in relation to the subject that I may communicate to him the views and decision of the Department. The date of their respective appointments, I presume, is stated on the muster roll on file. Sam Houston To Hon. W. L. Marcy, Secy of War. 1 From the Emil Hurja. Collection, Washington, D. C. For· William L. Marcy, see Houston to Marcy, December 23, 18-15, this volume.


Treasury Building, 14th Jany 1847 Dear Sir. Genl Rusk has a son here, who is a young man about 17 years of age, good plain education. If you have any place in which he could be employed for the 1·emai11der of the session I would be gratified.

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