letter to friend Purdy. If he thought well of it you were com- mendable in so doing, tho' I declare I did not suppose that mortall [sic] eye, but yours would ever see it. I wrote in haste, and of course I told you the truth, and only expressed my feelings. I do really wish, that I could go to see my friends in your great City. My friend Rusk and myself, as you desired gave you as strong a letter to Mr. Walker and requested him to lay it before the President as we could write. We spoke of you as we felt, believed, and hoped. We recommended no other person for the place, which you desire. I hope you may succeed, but I cannot encourage you, as I cannot learn the "hang of things" in the Treasury patronage. Write to me at "Raven Hill, Palmers P. 0. Texas." Salute Purdy, Eldridge, Sarn, and our friends. May the God of Heaven bless you. I sent your letter by mail to Mrs. Houston, as I am sure it will gratify her most highly, as it will impress her by the endorsement, of my· friends. These private and friendly expressions of commendation are more gratifying to her, than for me to receive all the honors of the earth. Genl. Rusk sends his warm regards to you, and our friends. Salute your family with my best respects. Thine ever & truly, Sam Houston [Rubric] To Mr. Jas. Auchincloss.
1 Howard Collection, Dallas Historical Society.
To J. W. DURANT, J. W. LOCKHART, AND G. W. CRAWFORD 1 Washington, Texas, Oct. 8th, 1846. Gentlemen:- For the invitation which you have been so kind as to present me, I thank you. The renewed greeting of my fellow-citizens of this town and vicinity, is truly agreeable to me. In discharge of duties; whether civil or military, I have at all times met with the cooperation of a majority of my countrymen. After having been engaged for eleven years in the service of Texas, it is pleasant and gratifying to know that I yet retain the confidence and approval of those to whom my services were devoted. The dark days of the revolution have passed away, and it is a source of gratification to us, that the future presents all the ad-
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